Friday, June 8, 2012

PARIS is not a city, it is a World!!!

After arriving in the South of France.....I immediately notice the the doors, windows and the colors!!! I also spot the French flag......also Red, White and blue!!!!
The City of Lights is like a beacon calling to me, seeing the Eiffel Tower at night, there is no way words can describe the emotions of that first sighting, when those Sparkling lights come on....
It brings out the inner child, squeals of delight coming from my mouth!!

The view in the daylight is stunning, kind of like a sterling silver bracelet, sparkling in the sunlight...
I had to pinch myself to make me realize this is true, you are HERE at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, a Dream come true!!!
It is surreal to say the least........amazing more like it!!  Paris is indeed more of a World of it's own kind of much to be just a CITY!!


Gem said...

Ah, just read your wonderful paris blog post. Gorgeous! Very pleased to find your blog and I love that you adore Paris in the same way I do. Hop over to mine if you get 5 mins. Anita has just a cracking job getting this organised. Gem x x x

It's me said...

It is great to see you too in Paris !!.......i must post my Paris post right now ...please come back on my blog and see it......i really like tha mason jars love from

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

SWEET DARLING! HOW DID I MISS PUTTIING YOU ON THE LIST? I WILL DO IT NOW and then come back to savor your post!!! THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME KNOW and it is only ONE POST for the week dearest. MERCI!!! Anita

Unknown said...

Beautiful photographs of such an inspiring city.


"Create Beauty" said...

How absolutely delightful!
You are my first stop on my Paris trip, how lovely to meet you!

~ Violet

The French Hutch said...

Your Paris Post sure floods my mind with memories. Beautiful photographs. I'm visiting over from Anita's Simply Irresistible post.

The French Hutch

fee @ chipper nelly said...

what a lovely post - isn't Anita kind to throw such a stylish party?!
Very pleased to meet you - pop back to mine soon - I've caught up and am now in Paris, albeit fashionably late!
fee x

Jacqueline said...

I am with you - Pinch me too! It is such an amazing place - I just wish I were there and posting every day from Paris!

Karena said...

Mimi so wonderful to see all of our friends journeys with Anita in Paris!!
So very lovely!

Anita's Parisian Party

Art by Karena

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh what a fabulous trip you had and you look gorgeous. So much fun. Can't wait to see you soon. Hugs, Marty

Michele said...

So nice to meet you ~

Bisous, et que Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ te benisse ~
Kisses, and may the Lord Jesus Christ bless you~

Pearl 13.1

Unknown said...

What a wonderful post! The pictures are gorgeous...I envy your journey to Paris.

I am now following, and I would like to invite you to my blog to enter my blog giveaway...

Dessa Rae

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

That really was a wonderful trip Jamie!
I followed on FB of course, and I was just amazed at your gorgeous photos.
Going to be hot and muggy here today..(like 90's) but my son and dil had nice weather when they got here.
Hugs friend,

Anonymous said...

More like a world sounds just about the best description I've heard so far. I've never been, but am sure dreaming about it along with Anita's traveling companions.
Thank you for sharing.
Much love,

tracy said...

Hello Dearest Jamie
omg...I cant believe it! We found each other again!...I too am doing the happy dance! I am so sorry I lost touch with you. Life got very hard and I had nothing happy to say on my blog, so I did the unthinkable and deleted my them... Thank the Lord, I downloaded them not all was lost,but my followers and all their cherished comments are gone.
I am so've been to Paris and London! I remember how much you wanted that.
And, who is that sweet little fellah with you and Chuck and Miss C? Congrats he's beautiful!!!
My daughter has also blessed me with another grandson,#4.

You are right,so much to catch up on, till next time my dear...Thank you thank, you for dropping ever did you find me? I am glad you did:)))
Love Tracy Grace

Sylvia said...

Such a delightful post, Mimi! And you are absolutely right, Paris brings out the inner child...My Paris post is ready now; sorry for being late and misleading some of the readers with my French breakfast post.
Delighted to have met you through Anita's Paris celebration!

Champagne Macarons said...

Lovely post and beautiful photos! It's wonderful to meet new bloggers via Anita's parisian soiree with the same passion for Paris.
Wishing you a lovely weekend! xoxo, B

Dawne Boynton Polis said...

Bonjour Mimi!
So nice to meet another Francophile!! Yes, like you, I love Paris, and try to go there at least twice a year. Your pictures capture all the flavor of why we all love it!
So glad you could join in Anita's paris Party!

"Create Beauty" said...

Hi Mimi, Thanks so much for stopping by for a visit! We have several things in common ~ This year we too are celebrating 36 years of marriage, so you were a 'bicentennial' wedding couple too?!?

Violet was also MY grandmothers name! She died when my father was young, so I never knew her. When our 2nd grandchild was born, a girl, my daughter surprised me as I was holding that precious one for the first time and told me Violet was her middle name. I cried! {of course the only time she hears her middle name is when she is in trouble!!! When I am with them, my daughter turns to me and says, "Sorry Mom" ~ since I pointed this out to her one time!
LOL!!!} "First Name, Middle Name, Last Name" Stop that right now!!!"

She has 3 young children and another due in September, and that will make 2 boys and 2 girls, and those kids are the sunshine of my life! You know how before you have grandkids you hear others talk about theirs all the time and you feel like rolling your eyes?
Well, I've become one of 'them' now too! Te-heeeeeee!!!!

Okay, I am going to go peruse more of your blog now, I rushed the first time with so many Paris posts to visit! I am still not done, hasn't this been quite delightful?!?

~ Violet

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful trip! Cherish the memories until you go back :D

catkin tales said...

i love your view of paris and poetic descriptions. you have such a gorgeous place here! and yes i agree this party is fun fun fun!!! :) and it will continue, because i shall visit you again xx

Deana Sidney said...

There is a little Paris in all of us.. thanks to Anita for bringing us to the city.

YONKS said...

"PARIS is not a city, it is a World!!!"

You are so right - it overloads the senses and makes a lasting impression. I am glad you enjoyed it so much!

Thanks for visiting with me. I love meeting new blog friend!

Draffin Bears said...

Bonjour Mimi,

I enjoyed seeing your wonderful photos and meeting you. I was the same had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming as it was always a wish of mine to go and visit France.


Red Rose Alley said...

I love the picture of the Eifell Tower all lit up - how beautiful! You must have had such a special time on your trip. I haven't been there yet, but one can dream. It's so nice to meet new friends. Have a sweet day.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Mimi,
I also wanted to thank you for telling Nel about the Art des...Bridge. That sounds like something she would love to do, especially for a honeymoon. I appreciate your suggestion.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Bonjour Mimi,
I left a comment yesterday but it must be flying around blogland.. I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your wonderful Paris post.
Also, thank you so much for your most welcome visit and kind words.