Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Miniature Ponies and a Miniature BABY!!!

 Princess is the Mommy pony, Pebbles or as Miss C calls her Pimples, is the new baby!!!We are so lucky to live with in walking distance, if we wanted to walk to lots of farms. This farm is owned by the lady who owned the miniature at my Ho-Ho-Hoe-down Holiday party, she emailed me that princess was about to give birth and if we wanted to come by and see the baby after she arrived!!!Of Course I said YES!!!!Pebbles was born the next day!!!!She can walk, run and she even showed us her bucking skills!!!!

 Miss C was in Heaven, she was so excited she could hardly stand it!!!
 She chased after that little baby.....
 Is this not the cutest thing??????momma was so full of milk, it was dripping out of her!!
 My little photographer in training, she had to get some pics of her own!!!
 Getting low to get the BEST SHOT!!!
 Toni has chickens, turkeys, peacocks, goats, dogs, cats and 12 miniature ponies!!!
She was all smiles and could not wait to get back to Mimi's house to tell Dude-dude all about the new baby!!!


  1. What a fun post.
    Jamie, You are on the go!!!

    Enjoyed seeing the sites with you and that little black pony is very cute.

    My Dad is home and will go see another doctor in a week. I think he was having gall bladder attacks, but didn't feel the intensity of them because he takes strong pain meds for his back. Think the meds prevented him from knowing he was having attacks, but he felt something and thought he was dying.

    Thank you for the prayers.
    Have a wonderful day my sweet bloggy friend,

  2. LOVE Baby Pebbles. She is so cute and it was so sweet to watch her nurse and nuture her baby!!! SO glad they are so close to us that we can go over anytime!!
