Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tom's Shoes---One for One

 Are you a Big AMAZING RACE tv show fan LIKE I am?????If so then you will remember Blake and Paige Mycoskie, season 2 and from the Amazing Race all stars.They are brother and sister, but more then that Blake is a philanthropist. His TOM'S SHOES are a big hit, but not  because they are comfortable but because for every pair that is sold, one is given to a child in need. So with our  recent purchase of four pair, That makes me REAL Happy knowing that a shoeless child somewhere is getting some shoes!!!!
 Corie wore her's home!!!So no picture of her design Tom's!!
 Little guy got some good support and some comfort!!
 Little princess got some Pink and some Sparkle!!
And Mimi got versatile, comfort and practical cool Shoes!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just found your from Jo's blog and it looks like we're neighbors. I'm in Peoria. I've been looking through your blog and I love it, you have been doing a lot of traveling, I'm enjoying looking through your pics. Have a great day!
