Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Patio is updated!!!

 The best part of living in Arizona is October to May!!!And baby it is time!!!After a long and HOT summer, it is great to be Outside enjoying our beautiful weather!!!!I love being outside with our Grand kids and we love to eat out here sometimes, makes the day feel special!!!

And flowers Grow best in the fall out here!!While all my Mid-West friends and family have Fall leaves....and Snow...we have Sunshine and nice cool days.....perfect 70 degree days!!!!This is WHY I live here!!!!!


  1. Beautiful patio pics, Jamie! I also loooooved the darling Halloween photos, below.
    The corn of the cob candies came from 'Sweeties' on Ray and Alma School. But that was last year. I'm not sure about this year.
    So sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
    Happy Fall,
    Mary Lou

  2. Cute patio. I wish ours had more shade. It's just hot here no matter what time of year (unless there's ice on the fountain.) It's a weird world we live in here in AZ. I've missed you. Where have you been?

  3. Hi Jamie,
    Everything is looking so nice! I bet you are so happy to have that nice weather now! You guys certainly had a very hot summer and will so enjoy this cooler weather.
    Looking forward to getting back out there again and soaking in some of that great weather!
    Hugs friend,

  4. You are so blessed to have this time of year so pretty to where flowers grow. Lovely patio!

    May you have a sweet Thanksgiving Day!
    God bless,

  5.!!! We've already had quite a bit of rain, so I'm already missing our nice weather! Your patio looks lovely Jamie!
