Saturday, January 28, 2012


MY FRIEND JENNIFER over at Sent me these WONDERFUL gifts for Christmas!!!I have been told that blogger friends are Not real friends, well they are indeed the BEST real friends ever. I can always count on them to cheer me up, Pray for me, cheer me on  and really just be there for me, isn't that exactly what a true REAL friend does for you????
I LOVE Philosophy products, mostly because they all smell so good and they are made with the most natural ingredients. The boxes also have the best sayings on them, the AMAZING GRACE lotion bottle says this.....
"How you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you get down the mountain. And, so it is with life, which for many of us becomes one big gigantic test followed by one big gigantic lesson. In the end, it all comes down to one word. GRACE, it's how you accept winning and losing, good luck, bad luck, the darkness and the light."
The AMAZING GRACE 3 in 1, meaning it is a bath and shower gel and a shampoo bottle says this.....
"Life is a classroom, we are both student and teacher. Each day is a test, and each day we receive a passing grade in one particular subject: GRACE. Grace is compassion, gratitude, surrender, faith, forgiveness, good manners, reverence and the list goes on and on.
it's something money can't buy and credentials rarely produce. Being the smartest, the prettiest, the most talented, the richest or even the poorest can't help. Being a humble person can, and being a helpful person can guide you through your days with GRACE and GRATITUDE."
My friend JENNIFER is filled with GRACE and she shows it everyday!!


  1. Now there you did it...the water works are going...:o) Your just wonderful Jamie and I'm so lucky to be able to call you my friend. Your Amazing! and don't ever let anyone tell you different. I love you too!!! Hugs Jennifer

  2. You so deserve some TLC and grace. What a marvelous friend you have there. My brain is paralyzed this morning. I can think of nothing else to say, but I do love you.

  3. What a special post for a special friend, beautiful! Think you are full of simple and delightful grace, like your friend, Jennifer!

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Philosophy. I can still remember the 1st product I ever ordered, Strawberry milkshake. Yum yum yum. I am certain a day doesnt go by where I dont use anything philosophy. And friends are friends. People that try and classify "friends" obviously don't have many or any.

  5. You have the best family pics! I can't wait to see you!! Pretty soon!

  6. What a sweet gift! Blogger friends aren't real friends? Bah, humbug to that. Take good care and keep getting stronger.

  7. What a sweet gift! I believe my blog friends are my friends! Hope you're feeling better and better every day!!
