Thursday, March 22, 2012

Birthday Lunch....Birthday Breakfast...the Celebration just keeps on going!!

 had to stop and get a pic by Vegas's version of the Trevi Fountain!!the Real one is Stunning!!!
 Lunch will be here!!

 So happy my cousin Stephanie who lives in Vegas could join us!!!Frozen HOT CHOCOLATE!!!Was yummy!!

 Out seeing sights and meeting new people!!!!
 had to visit the conservatory at the Bellagio

 then we made a stop here!!!Stunning.......I was in awe........AWE......

 Oh man...just one more month.........

 Had Breakfast in Paris......well kind of.....
it was French though!!!We had so much fun and I almost forgot what it was like to party like a 30 year old........


  1. WOW! Crystals and carousels two of my favorite things....Now that is a place I would love to go ;o)
