Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day to My MOM!!

 My Mom with my siblings and I...
 On Mother's day Mom, I want you to Know How much I love you and I want to Thank YOU, for being the MOM to us kids, the kind of Mom who was always there for us...your Heart is bigger then you are!!

Pictured here is Mom and Son and above Mom and Her daughters!!!She is Blessed and we are Certainly Blessed!!!Happy Mother's Day Mom.....I love you!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jamie!What a sweet family you have it looks like your mom had a wonderful mother's day...why wouldn't she with a sweet daughter like you :O) Your trip was just so fantastic!!!! I went and looked at all the posts I had missed and I'm sure I will be visiting your blog again to see more...I loved the picture of the carousel in paris! Have a nice week sweet friend! hugs Jennifer
