The Pont des Arts bridge is a pedestrian bridge which crosses the Seine River.It was originally built in 1802-1804, but due to heavy damage from World War 1 and 2, it was determined in 1976 that it needed to be re-built. The arches were reduced but all in all it looks exactly the same.....
J'aime Paris!!! I love Paris....I also love that "Love" in French looks like my name!!!!This bridge with all those LOCKS I was telling you about........I shall return with my Love one day!!!
Are you a Big Sex and the City Fan???I was not for years, but then I became one, my daughters were big fans in College, so to keep up with their conversations I started watching it, got addicted to the clothes, the scenes shot in and around New York City and soon you are just addicted to the four girls personalities.......This scene is part of the last episode shot in Paris....on the Pont des Arts bridge!!!
AU REVOIR PARIS........I am off to London!!!
What a wonderful trip you had. So nice to see the sights that you went too! We will definitely make this trip sometime!;)