Monday, May 7, 2012

The Trianons at Versaille

 This picture I scanned from the souvenir book I bought at Versaille, at this point it was pouring down rain, and I could not go outside of the Grand Trianon, these smaller palaces on the grounds offered the King and Queen a place to go to be away from Royal protocol. The Grand Trianon was for the King.
 The Mirror Room, Mirrors were very expensive in this time period, so only the very wealthiest people owned them.
 the King's bedchamber...
 Again, I am in LOVE with the windows and that View is not bad either!!!
 Standing just off the columned vestibule, that seperates one wing from the other...and this was just the palace away from the palace!!!
 We were playing in the mirrors!!
 This is at the Petit Trianon, the Queen's place of escape, yes she had her own!!!This statue is  in the Temple of Love!!Oops, it looks as if he might have suffered some damage!!

 The flowering trees were amazing. We also saw Wisteria, lilacs, cherry blossoms so many beautiful plants and trees.

 A smaller version of the Hall of Mirrors.....
 This is the staircase at the Petit Trianon....
 You can't help but notice the signature M and A....
 Her portrait hangs on the walls in several places...
 So many chandeliers.....

These smaller more intimate palaces were still stunning......I thought it was So fun to pretend being Queen for the day!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I love those photos. What a beautiful home she had, I love the Marie antionette I want to watch it again!!;) and now I kow why everyone disliked her, come on...she could have shared the wealth. Instead, let them eat cake????!
