Monday, June 25, 2012

Idaho Falls, Idaho

 After leaving Jackson Hole Sat. afternoon...we decided to go a different route back to Salt Lake City. We drove over Teton was amazing.....
 Chuck and I both agreed....these Orange poles are here so motorists would know  where the edge of the road is, because in the winter they average over 450 feet of snow and you might not know where the edge is!! We might be wrong though.....
 Ugh.....we got stuck behind that motorhome......
 We saw lots of Farms and agriculture......
 We arrived in Idaho Falls......we parked right by this cute little park and I quickly noticed this awesome park bench.....
 I love reading about cities points of interest...and Idaho Falls is a big deal!!
 The falls are probably 1 mile long, no they do not fall from a high platform but just the sheer length of the falls makes them unique!!
 We parked and walked the length of the was a beautiful day too!!

 from the walkaway along the falls, you cannot help but see the Idaho Falls Temple in the background...
 The park was so pretty...lots of unique flowers....
 and Geese....or ducks......
 I tried petting them....but they wanted food!!
My last pic of the falls and after a quick lunch it was time to get going......What a wonderful trip...perhaps the best line from my hubby all week was we were pulling into the rental car return in Salt Lake, "as much as I Love going on family vacations, going on trips with just the two of us mean so much to me too". I nearly I know how important keeping LOVE alive in a mature marriage many married couples Young and Old do not work on keeping their relationship Alive!!!So that inspired me to make plans for more trips alone!!


  1. Lovely places to see with your sweetheart.
    You're right....we have to keep marriage alive. Dating is a must throughout life.
    Have a sweet Summer and smile on,

  2. Hello Jamie,
    I love your post!
    Too funny...I too just got home from a family vacation...
    not with my hubby though, but with my dear sister!...
    A girls only camping trip!!!

    I cant believe how similar you and I are!
    I also take pictures of signs with info on them. I love to stop and take pics of unusual things, like your bench.
    I also notice we both like to use the exclamation mark!!! :)))

    That's some good advice for a stay healthy happy life...
    Thank you so much for coming over to my blog,it make me happy when you do...

    your blogging pal from Canada

  3. Looks like you had a fun trip. You will have some great memories with all of these photos. :)

  4. Oh, so beautiful! I love all the falls and miss going to the mountains. You are so right about keeping the marriage alive as we become more mature :) Love that word.

    I'm sorry I haven't been around's been a month of busy, happy, crazy around here!

  5. Ahhh that is so sweet that comment from hubby Jamie!
    I know my hubby says the same and I think a lot of good bonding comes back with just hubby and wife.
    I love the pics, beautiful place, awesome trip!
    Big Hugs dear,

  6. Lovely picture's! Have to make a point of seeing it one day. Love is important...


  7. What a nice nudge for me. People ask where we're going this summer and I tell them we haven't made any plans. I guess we just hadn't thought about it. So thanks for the poke in the shoulder to get planning. Nice trip. Thanks for sharing it.
