Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Petticoat Junction on ME(Memorable tv) I love my re-runs!!

 The girls in the show....Billie Jo, Bobbi Jo and Betty Jo...and a Petticoat is one of  these cute slips.....
 The Hotel in the show was called THE SHADY REST......I can hear the song playing in my head...
I love the Bird Cage Elevator in the Hotel Lobby...but the Elevator does not work even in the real show....
The Cast: top row  left to right: Floyd, Betty Jo, Steve, Sam Drucker. Bottom row: Billie Jo, Kate, Uncle Joe and Bobby Jo.......


  1. Don't you just love watching those old shows?!? Although I have not seen Petticoat Junction since it originated! Have you seen lately episodes of Bachelor Father and Father Knows Best? Now when I watch those shows that were on when I was a kid, I'm peering past the characters looking at the decor, and what their kitchens looked like.... and oh my how I loved Lassie, but the sets look so fake to me now (as they actually were but as a child all I saw was that gorgeous dog!)

    Thanks for the smiles this morning

    ~ Violet

  2. Thank you so much for visiting me the other day! I kinda remember this grandparents would watch it. I should see if I can find it on ME myself children would probably love it.
    Hugs for a great day. xo

  3. I used to LOVE Petticoat Junction! (And yes, you've got me singing that theme-song!)
    My fav was "Betty Jo" ... yours?
