Monday, July 30, 2012

Royals cheering on Cousin Zara at the Equestrian Events!!!

 The Queen's oldest grand daughter Zara Phillips is competing in the equestrian events at the Olympics in London. She was an athlete four years ago on her horse Toytown, however had to drop out due to the horse's injury. This time around her Horse High Kingdom is doing splendidly!!!
Prince William and Duchess Cathrine; lovingly looking  into each others cute is that, they did however  CHEER on their cousin.They were sporting Great Britain Olympic attire.Kate sported a Navy blazer from Smyth which she originally wore in Canada last summer over a white team polo. I loved that all the Royals were rocking Olympic clothes. Down to some Olympic pins even!!!
 And as always she looked beautiful.

 Prince Harry, Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice also were on hand as was the Duchess of Cornwall Camilla.
 I of  course Loved that the brothers matched!!I see that shirt selling out like MAD...kind of like those famous red Mittens from the Vancouver games I attended two years ago. Remember that?????I do have an old post of that if you want to read  the story of a very generous Canadian who gave my sister and I those coveted red mittens!!It is in my old posts....the month and year was Feb. 2010
 This is Zara from yesterday at the Dressage event. I have been recording Hours and Hours of Olympic coverage especially the Equestrian events. Our grand daughter Loves horses.....LOVES them!!!!Luckily for her, she got to go horse back riding yesterday at her Grammie and Grampie's house. She was so excited telling me all about it.She said she chose the horse with spots!!!Spots are good I told her!!
Cheering her on yesterday was her Mom, Princess Ann and her Grandfather, Prince Phillip.This just looks like a proud Mom and a proud Grandpa to me!!


  1. great post, Mimi! I have been missing the coverage as we have little TV reception here at the lake. Thanks for the update and pics of the royal family!


  2. I enjoy equestrian events and have watched as often as I can. Zara really did a bang up job on the cross country! Fun photos of the royals, Mimi.

  3. Oh, I can tell someone is loving the Olympics! :) Great post and it's nice to see all the Royals attending.
    Wouldn't that have been something if we had been on the same cruise. But we went in November and started from Venice and went to Turkey, Croatia, Greece and ended back in Venice where we stayed for about four days.
    We do love to cruise and my hubby is always looking to find another one for us! :)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  4. I love it all too!

    I am sorry we'll miss you on the 11th. I love Disney so much. We are planning a trip for Sweet Boy's birthday in Sept.

    Have a ball. You can "attend" through the blog. :)

  5. Wow, this is interesting and the pics of the Royals are wonderful! I do need your email....I really goofed up and now realize I've been responding to the "comments" that you have left on my blog via my email program. Boy do I feel dumb. So sorry!

  6. Oh I'm so happy I just saw M. Phelps win his 19th. medal, wow, he's such a winner! I love this post I didn't know about the Queen's grand competing!! Thank you for dropping by and leaving such lovely and kind comments on my Eng. transferware. Hubby calls it: Your Eng. Olimpics

  7. Oh my thank you for this....I love looking at the Royals....just something about this wonderful family that makes me Happy.

  8. OK, I'm with Camdyn (sp?) ... horses are the BEST! :)
    Isn't it nice how the cousins (seem to) support one another? I've so enjoyed watching Andrew and Fergie's girls grow up.
    And how about that shot of (seldom photographed) Anne? (She and I are the same age, so I always sort of identified with her more so than her brothers.)
    Have a great eve,

  9. What beauty and grace! I need to set my replay for this event...did I miss the whole thing?
    So glad you are enjoying the Olympics, dear Mimi!
    I thank you so much for your visit...I am so impressed by your adventurous spirit! You have been to all 50 states?! Fantastic...
    And yes, Minnesota in December is an experience :))) But I love the beauty of the snow...
    Lovely blessings to you!
    - Irina

  10. I've always wondered what the royal family is really like....

  11. Wow, i just love the royal olymoic look - so freh and yet glamorous!

  12. I remember Zara during Princess Di's lifetime. I adored Diana (we were married around the same time) and I would hear about Zara from time to time while reading about Di. I always like to see the happenings of the Royal family. Thank you for sharing this. A delightful post.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  13. Funny thing, Mimi. I THOUGHT you followed me too! I mean, I do hear from you at quite regular intervals.

    Well - - - welcome on board. I LOVE all my followers.

    PS - do you know you are a no-reply blogger? I always like to send comment answers straight away via e-mail, only I couldn't do that 'cause your return e-mail addy was No-reply.

  14. Hello Mimi, I remember meeting you too at Anita's Paris party. How fun was that? I'll make sure to follow you so we don't loose touch.
    I love watching the royals too, I guess it's the fairytale thing! Kate is my favorite now, right before William and Harry. Great photo share. What a nice visit with you….

    The French Hutch
