Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"On your birthday Daughter..I'm wishing for you something you've always given me.......HAPPINESS!!!!

Sweet little miss Wanted to make sure we had balloons and party favors for Mommy's Birthday dinner...so we picked her up early and headed to the Party store!!!I had to convince her Mommy would rather not have a My little pony balloon or party hats!!
A Birthday hug/greeting for Mommy!!
Grand-dude gets a sweet kiss from little dude!!
Mommy and her precious little man!!
A Birthday kiss!!!
Everyone said she looked like a Modern Day Pan Am girl!!!We love that show...sad it will not be back....but she has the Pose down!!
Mimi and her Sweet little Princess!!
Aunt Jesse playing with Little dude..she calls him our own little Gerber baby!!
A new Coach Wallet with CASH from her Mother and Father in Law!!
The family!!!
And her sweet little family!!
The girls!!
And the celebrating continues.....lunch out after Pre-school...

And off to Nemo-3D
and Play time at the mall!!!

 A shot of my Vintage necklace made from vintage buttons!!!  JUST be You....one of my favorite lines!!What a fun week-end Celebrating you.....MY Daughter!!!


  1. Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter. It looks like a great time was had by all.


  2. How beautiful, dear Jamie!!
    And the little miss gets that funky, fabulous style from Mimi, yes?? :))
    Love to see your gorgeous family, thank you for sharing this special day...
    and thank you so much for your sweet visit!! Isn't Anita's work magical?
    - Irina
