Monday, November 19, 2012

Babies First Haircut!!!

 After arriving at Magic Kingdom, we went and checked in for our Hair Cut Appointment!!
 We had time to watch the parade!!Aunt Stacie and Mr. L enjoying the characters!!
 Mommy and Miss C waving at the characters!!!

 I took in all the wonderful FALL decorations!!

 Then we walked over to the stables to see if we could see the horses....we could but they were back in their stables, this kind employee went and got one out for the kids to pat!!!Miss C was So excited!!

 Little Dude was stretching to pet him also!!
 Time for that first HAIR CUT!!!!He was So good!!

 And he got  Souvinier ears!!
So Cute!!!


  1. Owwwww so sweet !!! from me

  2. Love that little face and so nice to get his haircut at Disney world!!!;)

  3. What a great place in which to observe Liam's first haircut ... love all the pictures, but this ritual is my fav! I still recall my son's first haircut at home, and gosh, that was 40+ years ago ... time flies too, too quickly, but you've these precious photos to cement your memories!
    Wishing you and your family the happiest of Thanksgivings -- yet!

  4. Your Grandson is stylin! Very cute little boy and I know he is well loved. My daughter took Lil Miss to the Beauty Salon and both girls had their hair trimmed. I was surprised when my grand-daughter came home with bangs. They look cute on her, but I love her long hair.

    Your little guy looks like he handled getting his first hair cut really real and there were no tears? He is one brave lil guy.

    Nice that you had pics.

    God bless,
