Friday, July 19, 2013

United States Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs

 Olympic Athletes on average train here for 6 years, Seven days a week. All expenses are paid by sponsors.

 I went to the Winter games in Vancouver, B.C in 2010 and we went to the four man Bobsled events!!!
 Men's gymnasts train here, girls do not, they must be 16 to live here and most girl gymnast's are past their prime at 16.
 Basketball does not, but all athletes train in all different kinds of ways.
 Swimming does, until they reach celebrity status, Michael Phelps trained here before the games in Sydney, they knew the first time he got in the water he would WIN and win big!!!

 This is where the athletes live, their food is prepared to standards as a Five Star resort would do.

 MY Pugilist!!!Boxer for those unaware of this term!!!Well not really he just enjoys it!!
Shooting, the target was the size of a dime.....

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that place totally amazing. I really enjoyed the tour through there. Hugs, Marty
