The formal Dining room, I hate that it is called that, because it makes it seem like you can only use this room for formal dinners, and believe me, we have NO formal dinners here!!!! Fun dinners and Holiday dinners YES, but not formal ever!!!!

A wonderful gift from my darling, a signed Thomas Kincaid oil painting, and the English Garden is one of my favorite's of his. (please check out Queen Mamaw's blog and she has this same painting on her main page!!!)

I love this China as it is from my husband's Grandmother and another set from his Mom, so not only do I have enough for me a set, I have enough to give each of my daughter's a set. This china is one of those that you would get from depositing money at the bank, so I cherish it even more, knowing that every time Grandma or Mom would go to the bank and make that deposit from those hard earned dollars they got something in return.

My treasured Tea pot collection, the one to the left, was a gift my son brought me from England.In 2002, my son got to go to Europe for 3 1/2 weeks to visit his best friend and his family who relocated there for a job transfer. He got to see so many wonderful places and they even took him to Turkey. The one on the right is a beauty I picked up in Vancouver, Canada. Now the story about that platter!!!!Sarah Ferguson, the Dutchess of York, was doing a signing at a local Macy's store, so my good friend and I went and pre-bought our selections and the day she was in the store to do the signing we wanted to be one of the first one's in line, in case the crowd was to large, so we arrived around 8 a.m., at around 9 a.m. this large black SUV pulled up and much to our surprise it was her, chatting away on her phone, sounded like a conversation between her and her children. The signing began at noon!!!! And yes, we were some of the first few to greet her. The store has several doors and people were waiting at all of the doors, so when the store opened the line formed to get in!!!She was very funny and told a few stories about her and her family. She said although her and Prince Andrew were divorced the family still remains living under one roof and that they enjoy Tea together every day. What a sweet story to know that even the Duke and Dutchess of York and their children really do have tea together!!!

Oh Mimi I can hardly believe this. I do love Thomas Kincaid and I am so glad you have that signed. I was looking for castles when I found this in English gardens. We do share a like mind and heart I do believe.
I loved the tour of your house. Thanks for being part of my life.
That's a cute collection of tea pots you have. I loved the tradition of gifting tea post.
Nice pictures!!
Beautiful dining room and your china is gorgeous. Great story about the Duchess. Sounds lik you had a fun day. Hugs, Marty
Hi Jamie, thank you for leaving a comment on Martys Met Monday guest posting of my kitchen , dining room. I am so glad it inspired you. That is exactly what I was hoping it would do for people. It really is a fun and simple thing to do. Thank you for taking the time to post a comment, Hugs Kathysue
Oh how we cherish all of our dinners at that table! Although it may only be a few times of year, they are also my FAVE times of the year! I LOVE your collection of tea party items...and not just because I LOVE ALice in Wonderland!:)
Blessings to you, Mimi.
What a nice post.
The lovely room to enjoy, the artwork, the gorgeous dishes and teapots, the fun! Oh mercy, mercy...I will celebrate when my Diningroom is as clean and organized as yours. Right now, she looks like a warehouse.
My fancy teapots are still boxed up from two and a half years ago when we moved into our present house.
One of these days, out they will come. We have too many interior projects going on and know it is best to wait a while before they come out. Sigh, but then I can blog about this. Grins.
Thank you for the AWARD you presented me with. Appreciate this. I'm honored and have her displayed on my blog.
Hi Jamie! I love your dining set! I never use mine except for holidays. one of these days I'm going to have to show my home, I'm so busy with stuff, I run out of time....Your tea pot collection is wonderful! I have a few teapots but only one is special, it was from my grandmother. I also have dishes that were passed down to me from my great-grandmother... the story goes that she collected them from the powdered laundry soap containers until she had a service for 4 (pink with roses)... That was really neat that you actually met ROYALTY!!! I would have passed out!!!LOL!!...have a beautiful week!! : ) big hugs, Jennifer
Thats really a good collection!!
I agree with you on the name of that room. I have only had 1 "formal dining" area in the houses I have lived in and actually we used it more than we did the table in the kitchen. I adore your collection of tea pots. I think items such as those that one treasures, tell the greatest stories as the years go on. Great room!
I will also have to tell my story some time when my same friend and I had the good fortune to go to a luncheon that Prince Andrew was speaking at, and I nearly did PASS ouT!!!!
i just loved that tea pot
very pretty
for that matter i love your house and the way you have decorated it
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