It all started back in the early 90's, 3 of my friends and I were at dinner one night and somehow we started talking about famous people we have met or seen!!!! Well one thing led to another and soon our little game as we called it went from meeting them and seeing them(meaning famous people)to being within the same air space as they were!!! So from that point on the "GAME" was on, we would each all scour the newspaper to see "who" was in town and doing what!!! So one of us saw that the Broadway play Meet me in St. Louis was coming to town and the lead actress in the play was Debby Boone, I said "Oh I want to go to that play, I have met Debby Boone before and it would be so cool to see this play as I LOVE the movie and maybe get a chance to see her up close again!!!! So we bought our tickets and to the Play we were going!!!!!These 2 photos here of Debby Boone was when we met her for the first time, one of our really good friends had met her in Calif. and they became good friends, so when she came to Phoenix to do a concert we got to go back stage and meet her!!!!!And as expected she is a real doll and just a very sweet lady!!!!In these photos she was pregnant with her first child.

Here she is talking to our friend's Mom and as you can tell in this photo, she is so very warm and pleasant to be around.

Play Night!!!! "Clang, Clang, Clang", went the trolley, Ding, Ding, Ding went the bell,Zing, Zing, Zing, went my heartstrings, From the moment I saw him I fell!!!!The Trolley song is one of my favorite songs from this movie!!! I love any Judy Garland Movie and this is no exception!!!!

I always save all my ticket stubs and my Playbill, we had very good seats for this play, 3rd Row!!!! As you can see we paid $34.00, back in 91 that was a high ticket price!!!!!

At the show there was a table set up selling Debby's new Children's book, all the books were signed with the bottom message, but I asked the lady selling the books if she wouldn't mind telling Debby that I am a good friend of her friend Lance and I was hoping to talk to her. After a few minutes out she walked!!!!! She was so nice and then personalized the book for our 3 children!!!!Back in those days, I didn't carry a camera with me every where!!!!So the signed book was the best souvenir I could have wished for!!!!

Debby Boone was not my first Famous person to have crossed my path, but I started with her because it explains how the game began!!! So Mondays will now be filled with pictures and stories of famous people I have met, crossed paths with or was within the same air space as they were!!!!!Remember my close encounter with Michael Jackson???? I posted those photos the day he died on June 26th.
How did Uncle Lance know Debbie Boone?? I was in the same air space at my work with one of my fav actresses/comedians I will have to blog about that!!
Hi Jamie! That is so neat, I never met anyone famous before...I think I might faint or make a complete butt of myself if I did...LOL!!! Little miss C is so cute, my gosh she seems like she is growing more and more everyday...Everytime I see her she seems a little bigger...What a cutie! Well, I'm not going to be on the blogs much this week...Bob is home for the week and there is too much to finish up here, I just hope it doesn't rain... Have a really nice week and I'll check in when I can. Love and Hugs, Jennifer : )
Uncle Lance knew everybody!!! He met her through a minister, then he met her family including her famous DAD!!! Pat BOONE!!!! I think he dated Debby even!!! Or I think he did!!!
I've always thought she was lovely...lucky YOU!☺
What a fun post! Debby Boone always seemed so sweet. I wonder what she doing now? Looking forward to what's ahead...
Hi Mimi!
Enjoying your fun blog.
Aren't you so glad we have cameras?
So many times I wish I had my camera with me. Don't have one in my phone.
I remember 'You Light Up My Life' and admire Debby's vocals. I would imagine the show was fantastic.
My sister's name is Debbie.
Can't wait t o see who else you have pics of!
Have a great Monday and God Bless you,
So interesting. I've been to several plays with stars in them, last one being "All My Sons" with Katie Holmes, but did not actually get to meet them!
Oh My Gosh, I cannot believe you met Debbie Boone! I am going to Sedona with a friend who knows famous people. OMG, can I have your autograph? Now you give me a call tomorrow or sometime Wednesday if you want. I need to know what to bring. (I am bringing my camera), but do I need to bring a water bottle? I may have to buy some new tennis shoes, as my old ones, I haven't been able to get on with my foot so swollen,however today you can actually see both ankles. That was a real surprise. I am thrilled. You can let me know what to bring, what to wear, make plans of where to meet. We are so close to I-17 it will be just a quick jaunt down to McDonalds / Lowes parking lot where we could meet. I will talk to you later. I am so tired tonight. I just wanted to say hi. I love you, Sherry
How fun! "Meet Me in St. Louis" is one of my all-time favorite movies. When Judy Garland sings "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" I just am a puddle of tears. I'd love to see the play.
Hello my dear friend, thank you again for stopping by today.
No kidding I told the girls, just get the hose and start squirting
:0) can't say that I would have the patience in this heat to run around throwing balloons either.
Take care.
You have an amazing collection of photos.. and you write very well..
keep it up!!
Hi Jamie,
It's the slacker blogger here. But I DID scroll down to enjoy all the great posts over here. The Debbie Boone story was awesome. I just KNEW she was sweet in real life!
Also, love, love, love any post with Camden pix in it. I forgot to tell you last week how much I loved the one of her all mad that the water wasn't coming out. It cracked me up.
Then, don't get me started on the Pastor's Beehive hairdo. Talk about awesome. I SO remember all the women having that style when I was a teenager. I'm so glad it skipped our generation. Ha-ha!
And last, how fascinating that post was with all your past houses. I can't believe you did that. I was so engrossed in looking at all the old photos and reading your commentary to go with. Thanks for sharing.
The Duchess of Tea has bestowed a title upon you. Her Grace requests the honour of your presence at the knighting ceremony to be held at Rose Tea Cottage.
I will be honoured if you accept the award I am presenting to you by copy and pasting it on your blog.
Hi Jamie!I wanted to stop in and say hi, Yes I'm the one that wanted the red washer and dryer..LOL!!! I think they would look so neat in there. Bob said when these go he'll think about it...I don't think these will ever go, his buddy fixes washers and dryers and keeps telling Bob , you have plenty more years on these!!!...I'm doomed! I hope your having a nice week! hugs, Jennifer
Hi Mimi, the decals came from tatouagedesigns.com enjoy!! hugs, Jennifer
Yep, sweet lady you may use it...do you have an email?? Write me at pink-magnolia at hotmail dot com...I write it like that so those dreaded spam robots can't find me, I hope you get the gist....
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