Our family went to New York City in the summer of 94, we did all the touristy things, double decker bus tour, boat tour around Liberty Island, See the view from the top of the Empire State Building, Central park, taxi Cab ride, a walk down 5th Avenue and see Trump Tower, Tiffany's , a walk through the Plaza Hotel, Subway ride to Times Square and of course the Twin Towers. I bought this t-shirt while there and never gave it much thought, just another t-shirt to wear around the house, then 9-11 occured and that t-shirt now takes on a whole new meaning. I wear this shirt every year on 9-11, we must never forget what happened to those people, the terrified ones on those planes and the 1,000's inside those burning buildings, I pray that this country Never faces that kind of day again, it will be one of those days when people say where were you when 9-11 occured??? It is 3 hours earlier in Az then in New York, so I was asleep for the start of it, I had woken C.J. up for school and went back to bed, he is the kid that has always watched the news and he came running back and told me what had happened, I saw the buildings burning before they collapsed and I remember sitting there crying my eyes out for those poor people involved in this act of terrorism, I also was scared to death. I'm so Proud of our Country and how we came together in Unity to Pray for the USA, I also applaud President Bush for the great job he did handling the aftermath. So this T-Shirt is more of a Remembrance to me then just an old Souvenir.
.your post brought back the memories of my trip to NY 2 years back
Ny is similar to Mumbai. same rushing around, every body on a move. NY does have a hectic life
Oh what memories! I was only a few blocks from the Trade Center on September 11 and I am still so grateful for the outpouring of caring that we received that day. Can never repay all the kindness, and I pray our country never sees that kind of day again.
I was in NYC before 9/11 also and have a picture of the towers from the Empire State Building deck. I would love to post it, but it is almost too sacred to use. I also got to visit the field in PA. where the one plane went down. It was so sad. When we were there it had been at least 5 years and nothing had been done to the field, due to legal issues. You have a great piece there for a shadow box. Blessings
Oh Jamie, your post just gave me goosebumps thinking about that day. I was at work watching the video, and so many crying and tears, and people wanting to go home and be with their families. It was devestating. I so prayed for the families and lost ones. It was a horrible invasion of our country. Love the t-shirt and like you say, little did you know someday what that shirt would mean. Talk to you later. Love Ya, Sherry
Dear Jamie, My husband came home for lunch that day and asked me if I had been watching tv. I hadn't and he said something horrible had happened. We turned the tv on and watched reruns. At work he saw the tower being hit and crumble because his department was meeting in the student union in front of a giant tv screen and saw it being broadcasted. All were stunned.
From then on out we were glued to the tv.
I received a phone call from our daughter who worked in the Tulsa Court House where the doors had been chained shut. They weren't allowed to leave the building.
I still wonder about all the details involved with this disaster. Terrible turn of events.
I was in NY in 1984 and again in
I'm sorry about your cholesterol giving you some trouble. I can't imagine this due to weight. You are in no way over weight!!! I don't think the nurse knew what she was talking about!
Very sorry about your Father passing at such a young age.
Blessings to you today and always.
Talk to you soon,
I've thought I would like to "visit" NYC...what I would like to do is hit the shows though...did you see any?
What a great souvenir!
What a sad day that was. My heart goes out to all those people. Oh how their hearts must still hurt as they miss their loved ones. I love NY. We went a few times when we lived in Philly. I also got engaged on the Empire State Building! So I can't help but love that place. What a special shirt that must be for you now. God Bless those families these next few weeks.
I love your pick for this week. What a great way to remember all of those you suffered that day. I also LOVE, LOVE your Tuesday night dinner theme.
Hi Jamie,
Thank you for the information about the darling headbands. I will check the internet and if I have no luck I'll check with you again for different details.
Thank you for your help.
New York city is so very special to me. My husband and I have visited it many times and hope to go back in October. I am so very happy to see those buildings going back up!
Howdy Mimi
I will never forget the day.
My cousin Amber,her husband and son lived there .
Amber's husband worked in an office at the towers as did Amber.
They had both been delayed that day for various reasons.
Once it was all over they moved back to Texas and never returned.
Many of their co-workers and neighbors were lost .
It is a miracle they are all still alive.
Sometimes the guilt really gets to them .
God does heal all wounds in His time.
Thank you for coming by to leave a comment ,I was in the middle of posting when you left a commment and now all of my post is up and running .
So it worked out I was able to swing by for a little visit with you :)
Blessings to you.
Hi Jamie! I remember 9-11, we had the sprinkler system installed that day and the owner of the company's parents were on their way to New York to visit family. The owner was upset trying to get in touch with them before they got there. (They were driving up) I allowed the workers in the house to see the news and you could have heard a pin drop......my mom was working in downtown chicago and I told her to just leave and go home because nobody new if there were going to be any planes going into buildings anywhere else in big cities....that was the scariest day of my life....My brother called me and the game plan was that if anything else happened everyone was to meet at our house....I had been home doing things for our wedding which was the following month, we weren't sure if we should postpone it....we ended up getting married as planned...I hope another tragedy like this never happens again......I wanted to let you know, I'm mailing out your package tomorrow!! I hope you have a great day!! Love and hugs, Jennifer!!!
What a beautiful post! How can we ever forget? The memories still bring me to such soberness.
I was teaching school at the time, and another teacher came into my class, and in tears, she told me.
It was so shocking. I took my class to the library, where we watched in horror as the second plane hit.
The following day the entire school gathered around the flagpole. Most all were in tears.
Thank you for sharing, Mimi.
I also want to thank you for your prayers and encouraging words! You are a wonderful blessing, dear friend.
I am continuing to rejoice today! God is so good! Things are actually just now sinking in, and as they do, I grow more and more thankful.
Have a wonderful Thursay. Your blog is so beautiful! I love it!
Oh wow, what a great shirt to have, and even though the 9/11 memories are hard to remember, tragic, and scary, the Lord has plans for everyone, and the people who have fallen will never be forgotten. I am sure that it was a big eye opener for all those who took the Lord for granted, unfortunately we lost so many good friends, and children of the Lord.
Thank you for stopping by yesterday, yes shots are terrible. It's so hard to watch you feel so abusive when they are going through pain and can't do anything, however we know they need the shots, so true.
The suveniors we have from vacations are always wonderful to take out and just look at sometimes. Can't say I have been to many places, but when I do I will treasure them like you always.
Have a blessed day.
I love New York .....want to take my daughter and daughter-in-law there in early 2010..I love the hustle and bustle only found there....thanks for stopping by.....Have a great weekend...
Hi Jamie
I have always wanted to go to NY,I may have a chance to see a broadway musical there in 2010,will see?As for the twin towers, I was at work and we all went to the tv and watched in real disbelief. Canadian hearts went out to our "cousin" country.
Thank you for your visit to both my blogs.
I did send my address to you via your e-mail...if you have not gotten it then it may have gone to the wrong e-address...I will send it again.
Your friend
Hi Jamie, thanks for stopping by today to visit. Yes chasing after a 14 month old is truly a hard job, I was there lol not to long ago, well nine years ago, but I remember. Hope you have a blessed day in Sedona tomorrow. My mom's all packed :0)
Take care.
Hello Mimi, you are right he is a senior analyst with IBM and cooking is his hobby. If he cooks Mexican food he serves it on Mexican dishes, Chinese on Chinese type dishes, etc. Eating is an occasion at his house. His NY cheese cake is my favorite. When he first went to New York he knew no one of course and going to the institute was an opportunity he never expected to pop up. One of our daughters attended culinary school in Ky. She is a stay at home mom and she loves to cook for her family. My husband does all the cooking at our house too. I always cooked cause I had too.
Sometimes I think people forget what it felt like on 9-11.
Thanks for the peptalks. It seems like you really understand.
I feel the same way whenever I watch old movies that have the towers in it. It always makes me sad. I'm sure you will keep this T-shirt always.
I LOVED the post below! Those pics were to die for...ADORABLE. : )
Hi Jamie My Friend!
You won't believe what happened after you drove off. When my phone was rining and I was trying to find it, then it stopped, then it was Tony's phone ringing. It was Heidi calling. Isabel fell off her bike, busted her little leg open just below the knee, and Heidi needed us to get home so I could take her to the hospital with Isabel. It made for a long night, and an x-ray and 7 stitches later we got home. She is hobbling around today. I am going to write a post about it later for tomorrow. You'll have to follow. As I had my camera in my purse still from the trip, I was snapping pictures. It calmed Isabel down a little and took her somewhere else instead of worrying about getting stitches. Thank you again for the most wonderful day. I had so much fun. Marydon said to tell you thank you from her for taking me for such a wonderful day. I look forward to many more in the future. It truly was like sharing the day with an old friend that I had known all my life. Thank you Jamie. Love, Sherry
Look at you with all your comments! We can't all but help love you and what you have to say! So I saw your sweet girls yesterday at Sonic. I miss seeing you guys. We really need to get together. I told Corie I am game for anyday. So call me when you guys have a min. As for moving, yes we got a house. We are so excited. It is only 2 min. from here so we can still see you guys. It has the best back yard. We will have you all over for a pool/dinner party once we get in. We move at the end of the month. I'm sad we are not in Seville anymore, but at least we are close right? Well have a good weekend. Call us soon to play!
Hi Jamie, yes, sometime we will have to get together and meet. The three of us can go someplace special together for the first time. Lets do this after the heat of summer, I am excited, Char
Hello there dear, thank you so much for stopping by and visiting me, sorry for the late reply however I spent most of the night at the ER with Isabel. My mom said she will blog about it another day :0) Well I am so sorry that I missed the opportunity to meet you, and I am sure there will be another chance soon. Sedona looked beautiful in the pictures, and the healing story my mom told me was so incredible, I love things like that. I myself turn to anything that is nature, or God for the comfort and support we need to get by day to day. Take care, and have a blessed day.
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