Happy 1st Birthday to Joshua and Gracie, great things come in Pairs!!!!

Daddy and his beautiful son Joshua now known as the Valiant hulk!!!! He is such a big boy, weighs in at a hefty 33 pounds and is 32 inches tall!!!! His Daddy is Congressman Trent Franks, he and his wife Josie became good friends of mine and my family several years ago, Congressman Franks is who our son C.J. did his internship with in Washington D.C. several years ago. I still drive over to their district and walk the neighborhoods getting signatures to keep him in Washington D.C., he is a true conservative and a great Christian Man. Please Pray for our Congressmen and Senators for they need all the guidance from God they can get.

Little Gracie is the same height as big brother but weighs 10 pounds less!!!! WOW!!! That is more then 2 arms full of love!!!Beautiful little Princess!!!!

Those babies had over 200 guests at their 1st Birthday party, and they were just little troopers!!! I think they fell asleep right in Mom and Dad's arms!!!

Joshua in his Valiant Hulk costume!!!!

He got a cowboy hat, but it is to small for his head!!!!He sure looks cute in it!!!!

And Guess who I ran into at this Party????? MY dear friends and Pastor of the church I grew up in and he also married us!!!! What a big Surprise for me!!! It was so fun chatting and catching up to everything going on in their lives and their Ministry!!!! My parents started going to their church when I was in 4th grade!!!!!!Pastor Don and Betty you always meant so much to me!! Here is their middle son Donny and his wife with them.

I dug out this old photo of them I had in a family scrapbook, my sister and I took turns babysitting their 3 boys!!! Boy the stories we could tell!!!! How about the one when my sister had to stay over there til they found the only pacifier!!!!!!God Bless Pastor Don and Betty and his family!!!
Oh Jamie!
I just heard from Debbie. When they got to the hospital they immediately hooked Amy up to an IV and Debbie said they were running the IV wide open to get the fluids into her body. Debbie said they are on the second bag now. She has come around a little bit and able to answer a few questions. They have admitted her to the hospital which is a good thing. Debbie said when they finally got a urine specimen it was very, very thick, and she was very close this time. Her potassium level was 2.1. Debbie thought it might have been a couple of days since her kidneys had even moved. Amy won't tell anyone anything as she didn't want to go to the hospital. Amy told the nurse though that this is the worst she had ever felt. Our prayers have been answered once again, and maybe they can get her pumped up with some fluids and allow her to sleep. She is so weak. Debbie thought they would start feeding her but I don't know how that will be just yet, but get some nourishment into her little body. Thank you again my friend from the bottom of my heart for all of your love and support tonight. I love you so much for everything. Love, Sherry
These little ones are so adorable. What a fun party!
I can't believe I had not put my sign up in, since I follow you faithfully most days. Rachel is doing fine on day 5 post-op. Up walking and being fed sugar water through her G tube. Thank you so much for your prayers and kind words. I enjoyed your blog today and the previous one, since I had been taking a break. So enjoy hearing from you MIMI. Blessings
1008 Cobblestone Court
Bardstown, Kentucky 40004
very nice pictures!! Great!! Wish you a great day!!
Hi Jamie!
Wouldn't it be something to have twins? I can only imagine how busy the momma would be. These are cute lil ones. I enjoy seeing your pics. It's like being there.
The older (hopefully wiser) I get I know I need to pray more for our political leaders. Amen.
This is fantastic that your childhood Pastor and his family were there at the party where you could visit. Isn't Betty a pretty lady? But I have to admit, her hairdo these days is so much more flattering than the one she wore years ago. Grins...I don't know how the women got their hair so high up on their heads. My mom sometimes wore her hair high on the head by having the hairdresser tease it.
Next wk-end, may you have a fun and safe trip to Sedona. Wish I could just tag along...maybe there will be pics!
Jamie, a lily you are in the garden of life!
This afternoon I have got to get alot of cleaning done and organizing...have company coming in 2 weeks and if I start now, they might think I'm a GREAT HOMEMAKER that's got her act together!!! hee hee
You take care and talk to you soon.
God bless,
Thanks for the memories, they really look great. The twins are so cute. They are very tall.
Happy Birthday to two mighty cute youngin's!
We ran into the pastor (in KY) that married us near our 22nd anniversary and told him we were still married...he said, "Well, when I tie a knot, it don't generally come untied." I just love running into someone that means so much!
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