I went to visit Stacie in late Nov. 2007 for 1 week and while there we were able to be a part of the filming of the Walt Disney Christmas Day Parade( Sorry to spoil it --it is Not live on Christmas Day) it was very warm that day and they wanted you to wear either Disney apparel or Holiday colors!!!!

The hosts are Regis and Kelly, and every few takes they would turn to face the street and the crowds and say something funny or just wave at us!!!!

"Are you melting out there"!!!!!!

Mrs. Claus wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!!!

During Lunch break Stacie and I went and got a picture by all those beautiful poinsettia's.

That night Stacie and I headed over to Downtown Disney to go to Comedy Warehouse(where she managed at the time) and to The Adventurer's Club and while there guess who walks in and sits at our table????? You guessed it, Neil Patrick Harris and 3 of his friends!!!! I think they sat at our table as we were sitting at a table normally not used and is kind of reserved for VIP guests and from what Stacie told me, Neil LOVES the Adventurer's Club and always comes to it when in town, so that is probably where he sits everytime!!!! He was so nice and friendly. Stacie told him she was the Manager of Comedy Warehouse and after that they went over there!!!! She got them drinks on the house!!!!! And I got a picture!!!!
I got SEVERAL Pics of Famous people this day!!!! I'll save more for another Monday as I did 3 today!!!!!
You really meet the MOST celebrities! How fun is that???
My nephew is gorgeous and engaged to a beautiful, Christian (that's the best part!) young woman!
I agree though, he's a catch!
Really enjoying your brushes with fame. The parade looks great. I got to see Regis this summer at a restaurant in my neighborhood, which is close to the ABC studios.
My husband and I are going to NYC in October and I would so love to get tickets to the show (Regis & Kellie). I've tried on their website with no luck. If you know of any tips on how to come by these tickets, let me know!
How cool getting to see them and N.P. Harris!!!
Hi Jamie,
I didn't know about the early filming of the Christmas Parade.
Whaaaa...yes, my bubble has been burst. Oh well. Grins.
May you have a blessed day.
It's storming here in Kansas. Suppose to be rainy all week. Hubby's just about done roofing, but sure need dry weather for that.
talk to you soon,
Good grief Mrs. Jamie you have seen the best of the best you met good old Doogie Howser lol. That is incredible you have really lived girl, now it is a shame I didn't get to go with you and mom to Sedona, it would've took the whole trip to tell me all the famous people you have met. I would definately frame those pictures "WOW" you are truly a famous person.
Have a great Monday girl.
I was also dissapointed when I found out about the parade. I always dreamed of going there Christmas morning and watching it live....well thats not gonna happen! But, I do LOVE turning the tv on after opening gifts and watching the parade! As for all the people you meet, you are a lucky gal!:)
Looks like we're gonna see you in the movies, eventually. Sure looks like a lot of fun.
Jamie...I cant believe just how many celb's you have "bumped" in to.That make's you famious!I can hardly wait to see who else you have run in to.
What FUN times you have had meeting the celebs. I just LOVE Regis and Kelly. Kelly is my FAV! Hope you have a fantastic week!
I had no idea it wasn't live. Well, Macy's Thanksgiving one is and I plan on going to that at least once before I die! We often spend Thanksgiving in Connecticut with relatives and have gone into the city the day after, but we've never done the parade. That would give me something interesting to blog about, wouldn't it? :)
Sounds like you had a really fun time. Thanks for sharing all the excitment with us. Glad you came by to share in the fall frolic.
What great fun that must have been. I'm trying to remember the Adventure's Club. It's been a while! Love the pic with Neil Patrick Harris and you. Did you watch the Emmys the other night? I think he did a great job hosting.
Hiya Jamie, glad you stopped by, and I am looking forward to your next post. Gosh your blog has shown me places, and people I never have to travel again :)
Take care
Hi Jamie!
I always enjoy hearing from you.
God BLESS us grannies that babysit their precious grandchildren.
My granddaughter that I babysit was almost 2 and a half when we started working with her on potty training. We switched from diapers to pull-ups.
During the day when we are home and not going anywhere outside the house, she wears regular little girl panties around the house.
When out and about we're using the pull-ups also when she takes her nap and at bedtime.
We have a small pop on pottychair seat that fits directly onto the regular toilet seat.
When we started out with the training, we never scolded her...it has been with encouragement and praise.
When she's successful at telling us she needs to go potty, we reward her with small smartie candies and when she poos in the toilet...she gets a sucker!!! She loves this and of course we make a big deal out of this success with clapping and telling her she's such a big girl and PRAISE her big time!!!!
I actually am not missing the poopy diapers!
Darling, what is your secret for attracting all these lovely celebs?
Do tell us luv?
Jamie, I'm not much into star watching. I didn't even know who Neil Patrick Harris was but it makes me smile to see how much you enjoy it all! Kathy
On a Gramma note. I'm not an advocate of the pull up, it just seems like a diaper to me. I potty trained Ella when we had her for a long week end right after her second birthday.
Hi Mimi,
You left such a great comment on my blog and I just had to answer.
I know very well where you will go to see the color in the trees. We used to live in Prescott in Yavapai Hills. Lived in Sedona at the Rangers Station when we were going thru college and manned a look out called Lee Butte, which they later tore down. I was pregnant that summer and climbed that 75' tower every day while Hubby was on patrol.
One of our sons lives in Chino Valley.
There is a pocket on Mingus Mt. where we always saw some red. It is on the highway that is the back way to wonderful old Jerome. Nearly to the top, to the left. At the top there is a road to the left and we used to take it for views and color, too. I can't think of the highway number. If you love antiques be sure and go to the ones on Whiskey Row on one side of the Court House as well as the street Murphy's is on. I envy you...Arizona is home, not Michigan. It is a long story as to why we are here and we are aching to go home!
Have fun!
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