The first thing I noticed was that signature RED Roof!!!!!

Posing by the Hotel Marquee!!!

Here at this wonderful Resort to Celebrate our daughter's 30th Birthday!!!!!

Thirty-Flirty-and Fabulous!!!!!

The beautiful Mahogany Lobby with it's signature Chandelier.

A sitting area in the lobby.It has maintained it's 1888 charm all these years, when it opened in 1888 it was the World's largest resort hotel. It has hosted 16 Presidents, Royalty has stayed at the "Del", it is widely speculated that Prince Edward later King Edward met his future wife Wallis Simpson at the Del during a visit here in 1920, she was a Coronado Island resident, as you all may know King Edward abdicated the throne to marry the divorcee, and that is how the current Queen became the Queen, after her Uncle gave up the throne, Queen Elizabeth's Dad became King and when he died at at young age, Princess Elizabeth became the Queen!!!!Several other notable guests have stayed here or resided for a time. Babe Ruth was a guest here as was Charlie Chaplin, Rudolph Valentino, Thomas Edison, Charles Lindbergh and one of my Favorite writers L. Frank Baum!!!!He lived here during the construction of his house here on Coronado Island!!!! He would hold story hour in the Crown Ballroom for the children staying at the Del, and it is said he wrote his famous Wizard of Oz books while staying at the Del!!!!!Now that is one story hour I wish I could have attended!!!!

Our Room!!!!!

With a VIEW!!!!! This is what we saw out on our balcony looking to the right!!!!

And to the left and straight out!!!!!!The beautiful pool and the Pacific Ocean!!!!!

Hmmmm.... time for a walk around this place!!!!A special guest is waiting to be found!!!!

I had to buy the book for extra clues!!!!! This is the tale of the beautiful stranger who died here at the Del in 1893. The facts of her week at the Del are sketchy, but she is a friendly ghost who enjoys walking around this magnificent place even to this day!!! The room she stayed in Room # 3327 is always booked far in advance and the Hotel staff will NOT tell you that number as they do not want people knocking on the door and bothering the currents guests!!!!The book gives you all the details though!!!!So let's see if I can find any clues!!!!

I clandestinely looked for things out of the ordinary, like this old car!!!! hmmmmm.....could she be in the back seat????

Let me peek into the Crown dining room!!!!

I'll just wander inside for a closer look!!! Here on Sundays you can enjoy the finest Breakfast Buffet around!!! For $75.00 per person it should be great!!!!! We did not indulge in this buffet but ate at the breakfast buffet out on the terrace for a price of 23.00 per person!!!!Well she is not eating in the Crown dining room either, Oh Kate where could you possible be this beautiful day????

Darn, I just missed the Birdcage elevator with a real Elevator door-man, I think I'll run up the stairs and catch the elevator before it opens!!!!

Here I am outside on the famous Coronado Beach, it is on the west end of the resort, sometimes called the North end that Kate was found dead. She was on the staircase with a single gunshot wound to the head. It is presumed she committed suicide. This is also the spot where the Movie Some Like it Hot was filmed at!!!! So instead of chasing ghosts, I have decided to spend my time reminiscing about this funny movie!!!!I can hear Tony Curtis saying "Does that mean you play that very fast music", Marilyn Monroe answers, "Jazz, yeah real hot" and Tony answers back, "I guess Some like it hot"!!!!I did myself a favor "go for the sweet end of the lollipop" and not the Story of my life "I always get the fuzzy end of the lollipop"!!!!

Taking a walk around the well maintained grounds!!! Just some of the pretty flowers.


Let's go get lunch on the patio overlooking the Pacific ocean!!!!

A cool 77 degree day with ocean breezes blowing at your back!!!

Miss C enjoying the view!!!

The 50th Anniversary for Some Like it hot is this coming week-end and Tony Curtis and some of the remaining actors/actresses will be hosting a big party at the Del.

Sugar Kane and Daphne!!!!

Marilyn Monroe and Tony Curtis

Had to get a pic of me with all that memorabilia!!!

The sand has gold specks in it...look closely!!!!

The waves were really big!!!!

Playing on the beach with Miss Camdyn's Princess sand toys!!!!She didn't like the sand on her hands!!!

Me with Corie and Camdyn!!!

Chillin by the pool!!!

Camdyn loves the pool!!!

Noticing all the Crowns on the property!!!!

Beach photos!!!!

Daddy-Mommy and Baby!!!! I love her sparkly pink shoes!!!!

The view at night!!!

Breakfast on the terrace

Camdyn meeting her future "Millionaire-- he's waiting for a signal from his Yacht"!!!!!

So much to look at, planes, birds, trees, flowers and cute little boys!!!

Oh that face!!!!

Crossing the bridge, going back to San Diego.

OK, all you MTV Real World Fans!!! Here is the house used for the show while they filmed in San Diego!!!!It is located on Harbor drive on Driscoll's Wharf in the Point Loma neighborhood!!!

who could forget that blue door????
So much fun on this trip!!!!!I hope you enjoyed coming along!!!!
I loved joining you. Have wanted to stay at the Del for ages, and now more than ever. What a fun time and Miss C is so adorable.
You guys had sooo much fun! I wish I could have gone! Looks beautiful!
Love ya
Great Whites swimming off of Cape Cod right now!!!!
This would have been a great way to spend the days this summer!!!
Your pretty daughter is just a little older than mine. My daughter turns 30 in April.
I remember the days of being 30!!!!
Oh Jamie,
I had so much fun on this tour. Thank you for sharing with me. I feel like I didn't miss a thing. You did a fabulous job on all of the pictures. Love that camera. I could feel the cool breeze on my face, and smell the salt air. I could even feel the mist in the breeze. The night lights were so beautiful, and we know Kate still wonders the grounds. She will still be there the next time. Loved that old car. Everything was fabulous. You look so rested sweetie. Thanks for sharing. I love you, Sherry
It was such an AWESOME weekend! BIG thanks to you and dad for helping in making my 30th a memborable one! The del was an amazing place to stay and I already am anxious for another stay there!!! We LOVE YA!!
Absolutely a place I want to stay. I've been in the lobby many times and on the beach behind the hotel, but never stayed! I have some pretty pictures to scan and post of the stairways though! I'll do that soon.
Happy birthday to your daughter, ah to be 30 again!
I can't believe she wore a bow to the pool. What a cutie! Kathy
Oooooh, I love a place with a little history... and a ghost!
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