Here is the invitation to Corie's- thirty-flirty and fabulous Marie Antoinette birthday luncheon today!!!

We had it at House of Tricks, a very cute and quaint restaurant, it is 2 very old houses restored to the finest possible. We sat outside under the shade of big trees in their very beautiful garden.

All the girls!!!!And one cute little baby boy!!!!

This is a collection of old friends and always make room for new friends!!!! Some are family members also!!!!

I gave out goodie bags to everyone and inside were fans, Masks and Marie Antoinette cherry blossom chapstick. We had to try out the masks!!!!In case we ever want to escape the Palace one late night!!!!

Corie got an adorable carousel horse charm from her little sister who lives in Florida and unable to make this fun occasion. But Sis wants to make sure she always has a reminder of that fun day at the park with Miss C, as we always say remember the joy in the simple things!!!!

Corie's friend Lori got her a high heel shoe charm as everyone knows Corie loves shoes too!!!!
Corie got some amazing gifts from this group of girls, everyone was so kind and generous and got her some of her favorite things!!!! They know her well!!!!!

Camdyn sitting on Lindsey's lap playing with the balloon bouquet!!!!

Camdyn loved sitting on Lindsey's lap!!!!

Camdyn exploring around this beautiful place!!!!Knock-Knock!!!!Can I come in!!!!Isn't that an awesome old door!!!!!

Smelling the flowers!!!

Cousin Ryder fast asleep in Mommy's arms!!! Lisa is married to my nephew Jason!!!Isn't this just the sweetest picture???

Camdyn trying to escape out the wrought iron gate!!!!

Dinner out last night with the family!!!Corie wanted Oregano's!!!

Their famous signature dessert a fazookie!!!! A deep dish cookie served pippin hot with ice cream!!!

A pretty gift from her brother C.J. and his girlfriend Jesse!!!

A Pretzel charm for her bracelet!!! Her 2nd favorite snack food, pretzels with cream cheese!!!!

A watch from Mom and Dad!!!!
We love you HONEY!!!!!
Lovely photos, beautiful family, adorable Miss Camdyn...what else can I say. Looks like you had a lovely time.
Good morning Mimi, I don't know if this is a pink saturday post or not, there certainly is enough pink in there to qualify for the honor. Looks like so much fun and I have to admit, I have never been there. Lovely birthday and a wonderful way to spend the day. Happy Pink Saturday to you anyway and enjoy the week. We will get together next month for sure, Char
What fun! Love visiting with your family. Here's to a wonderful year for Corie and many, many more happy birthdays!
It looks like a fun day! Love her smile!
Your group must have created quite a stir. What a gorgeous group of women you had there!
It's all beautiful. Looks like a fun time was had by all.
Oh Jamie, that looks like such a wonderful time there at the luncheon. She looks so happy, what a fun day. Thanks for being so nice to me on my blog, I hope you do have the opportunity to join the Disney Sunday, I think it will be fun to relive the childhood memories, if ya don't have time just pop over to see the next movie, next week. Have a great rest of your weekend.
Howdy Mimi
Oh how fabulous !
Love all the photos .
Thank you so much for sharing the birthday fun and all the happy smiles just made my heart melt.
Blessings and hugs
Happy Trails
Wow, I wish I was there. It looks like a fun time was had by all! Thanks for your sweet comments on my post. Hopefully, I've landed back in blog land no worse for the wear. I've missed visiting with all my friends! :)
So nice that your lovely daughter celebrated her 30th birthday with friends and family about her. She's a lovely looking young lady.
Remember when you turned 30? Does it seem like yesterday? I have to stop and think just where was I living at that time...I felt really grown up. To think my youngest of three children turns 30in April kind of takes me back.
We need our rest as well. I've been terrible about taking my vitamins, but think it's important to be supplimenting our nutrition. Oh my, life!
Always so good to hear from you!
You take care and God bless you,
Beautiful photos and beautiful faces too. Fun times. I love your stories about your get togethers. We are starting the wedding preps for May of next year already. My granddaughter is so particular that everything be perfect. That is a good thing. I hope she doesn't get in too big a tizzy.
Happy Sunday Jamie!
Looks like you have had a busy day today and fun one last night. You are quite the busy gal now. Looks like you all had such fun with the goodie bags, now that was clever. I love the pic with the masks on everyone had a great time you can tell. How fun! Miss C sure had a great time, ofcourse I have never seen a child that travels as well as her. She fits right in wherever she goes. I have never really seen her unhappy.
Sorry to hear that DH had to go out of town for a few days. You should get lots of blogging done, as the house should be quiet?
Think of you daily. You are always in my prayers. I thank you for such wonderful memories my special friend. I love you, Sherry
Hi Jamie,
I've been dying to get over here and catch up. This party you threw for your sweet Corie turned out wonderful!!! The invitation alone is amazing!!! And those masks...where on earth did you get them?
And of course I loved your posts about Coronado Island. I'm so happy you took lots of pics. I never knew about the 'Wizard of Oz' house being there. How cool!
I can't believe you got that ADORABLE photo of Camdyn checking out that 'Little Mr'. SO SO Cute!!!
Thanks for the sweet words about my mom. Hopefully this week will be better.
Take care,
It looks like everyone was having a lovely time and especially the birthday girl. Thanks for sharing all the fun.
You did such a good job on the party! It was such a cute idea and really fun! You are such a good mom and Corie is so lucky to have you. It's no wonder she is such a sweet girl, she learned from the best. Thanks for the good times. It was really good to see you as it had been too long. I hope to see you at story time this week. By the way I did not see that cute door, but man am I loving it! What a adorable picture of Miss C by it. You rock with the camera!
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