Awwww... back to normal!!!!

This is going to be so much easier to care for then white carpet!!!!!

The transition from one tile to another. I have put off doing this project for more then a year now as I could no longer get my old tile and I did not know what to put in the family room. I started out wanting to put wood flooring in, after much consideration decided tile is so much easier to care for!!!!!

It's done, just needs to dry for 48 hours!!!!

Oh ---what a mess!!!!!! White dust was everywhere!!!!! But gave me a good reason for a deep Fall Cleaning!!!! And I mean from top to bottom!!!!!!I was cleaning the tops of cabinets, top of the refrigerator and every spot in between!!!! These projects were started bright and early the day after we got back from San Diego and all the while I was babysitting Miss Camdyn, 3 days of 10 hour days!!!!!She was so good and got used to all the noise and the guests in Mimi's house!!!!

This is how the place looked until Sunday!!!!! Then we could move all the furniture back!!!!My Husband was out of town and missed this fun job!!!!! Our Son to the rescue!!!!!Thank you C.J.!!!

This kept Miss C out of the way somewhat!!!!!

She just couldn't understand why all her beloved toys were scattered everywhere!!!!

Project 2, have Wainscot put up in the den/playroom and add some color!!!!I chose a pumpkin color, as it is so warm and inviting and I googled painting for Tuscan decorating and it said nothing screams Tuscan feel like a shade of orange!!!!!So my new friend his business name is Honey Do Construction, came and did this for me as well!!!It was all done and finished while my Hubby was away playing on a Houseboat on Lake Powell!!!!I stayed calm during the mess phase as I knew it would be worth it once it was all done!!!!

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Jamie, these projects turned out mighty fine!
How wonderful to have it back to norm.
It inspires me to get our projects finished.
It's alot of work, but it sure looks good when finished.
Like your colors!
WOW, the floor looks fantastic. Darling, just be extremely careful when my darling Camdyn comes over. Luv, do tell me more about the Princess Diana fair, I am so interested. What is it, when is it? Come by my cottage and do tell over a cup of tea for me, juice for you darling!!
Love & Hugs
Everything looks great! I was watching HGTV the other day and a couple painted their kitchen in a pumpkin color for a Tuscany theme. That color is an amazing color and brings a lot of bright and boldness to a room. Great Pick!! The transition on the flooring looks great too!
Love the way you integrated the tile. I have been wanting to something like this to an addition. Think you have given me the courage. Great job. Lovely color you chose to paint the den. Thanks for sharing.
Hey Jamie girl
Wow,it looks great,and you brave girl you,doing all this with out your main man.I love the tile,and the orange color is really nice,I love the look of Italy, and you are right nothing says Tuscany better than this spicy color.Very nice job!
I and my family did two castles in one day as well as some churches,and the other two castles were divided into other days.There is so much to see we tried to get as much in as was in the districts that we were visiting in that particular day.
I and Mr.B are definitely going back..it is sooo worth it!
I am so glad the letter reached you,I wasnt taking any chances this time I sent that little letter,as a package.Thank you for sending Amy some support,I wish I could do more for that dear girl...My heart breaks for her and Debbie.
I can hardly wait to get the shirt for Billa,you bet I love anything french...now there's another place I'd love to visit...mmm Provance;)
Your sister in Him
Everything looks great! And your husband sure lucked out, didn't he? :)
I love it. I have the same delima in that I want to remove the carpet in the familyroom and can't match the tile that is next to it in the kitchen and breakfast area. You did a fantastic job of finding something that looks wonderful. I may have to take a clue from you. I know you will love it. Hugs, Marty
WOW!!! My heart is palputating for you. What a mess I bet that was. I bet you couldn't wait for it to be done. Did Mr C. plan his little get away at the right time or what?
It looks great. I love the tile and the color.
Maddy can't wait for her boots to get here. She is going to love them. Thanks for sending them to her. I will let you know when they arrive.
Love ya, Bethanie
Beautiful. We replaced our white tile with Travertine in the kitchen and entryway. It is so much easier to keep clean. At least it doesn't show every little speck. We still have lots of white carpet to deal with. It's nice to have a change. I know you will enjoy yours.
Mom everything looks really good!! The two different tiles where they meet look great, you did a good job picking them out!! And I like the color in the color in the game room, it is definitely a tuscan home now!!
Your rooms look beautiful! good job!
Jamie, I remember all the dust when we had our carpet taken out also. I was mortified, I thought I was a clean person! :) Your house is beautiful. Kathy
Mimi, your granddaughter is the cutest little thing. She just makes my heart sing. Thanks for stopping by. I got the garden fairies at Summer Winds Nursery a few years ago, but last year they still had some. They really are so cute. Hope they have some for you. Hugs, Marty PS - So glad the weather is starting to cool off.
She is truly adorable, God Bless Her. Darling, I came by to thank you for visiting me often… you are a good friend. Today was a gorgeous day here too, nice and warm, and I hope that it will stay sunny the entire weekend. I wish you a lovely and sunny weekend.
Love & Hugs
Turned out beautifully!
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