I went to this luncheon with my good friend and fellow Royal family follower Earlene, she is also the one who went with me to meet the Dutchess Of York Sarah Ferguson. We arrived very early for this event and I decided to have my car valet parked at the Arizona Biltmore Resort. When I got out of my car to turn it over to the valet I noticed in front of me was the owner and his wife of the company my husband works for. I started chatting away with them and just followed them into the building. We were standing just inside the doorway when in walked Prince Andrew and a few of his security detail. I was no more then 5 feet from ROYALTY!!!! I nearly passed out, then very discreetly this lady walks up whispers in my ear, "could I have your ticket please", I looked at her and said you mean my ticket for the luncheon?? She said NO this is for high profile donations only with tickets. I quickly turned and walked out,my friend and I giggled away as we walked to the proper luncheon area, this huge luncheon with about 1,000 people is where we really belonged!!!! Our luncheon ticket cost us $150.00 so I wonder what that ticket cost!!!! Every year at our annual Company Christmas Party the wife of the owner laughs and says to me, "you should have just said you were with us", gosh I never thought of that!!!!!It was so funny and yet so cool!!!!!Prince Andrew spoke so positively about his role as a father of 2 daughters and it was so nice to hear him speak so proudly of his daughters.
I have enjoyed all of your Disney pictures. I love the ones in the rain. Linda and Jerry Bruckheimer live just a few miles from me. I guess I need to write about eating Pizza in a restaurant near us, with them. They have an amazing farm in Ky.
Sounds like the lunch was a lot of fun and for such a great cause. What a thrill. Thanks so much for stopping by and your great comments on my kitchen. You asked about the color. No it is not new, it is the first thing I did when we moved in 4 yrs. ago. The cabinets were a natural light color maple and the walls were white with the really like beige formica and white appliances. Talk about a blah kitchen. I painted the walls "Soul Chocolate". It is exactly the color of a hershey bar. It really made a huge difference and the cabinets finally stood out. After waxing the cabinets with dark paste wax the whole thing looked 1000% better. By the way, are you coming to the Az. Blogger lunch on the 30th of October? Hugs, Marty
Brush with Fame Game is a fun read everytime!
Take care and shine on,
WOW! Your brush with fame posts keep getting more impressive. What's next week? I'm going to guess, picture with a President? Clinton... Bush... Obama...
Love them!
good article
happy blogging
I just wish I had a few fame stories!
Thanks for your prayers for my son....actually he's 32 and I also have one 39.....I think I'm older than you. I am not at all for the health care reform as it is, but for pete's sake, I told them we would pay for the office visit.
Well... why should you not brush up next to royalty,you are the queen of this blog after all :)
pretty cool!
Way to go,on supporting such an important charity.
Thank you for the extra shirt for Bylla
ps...yup, we got snow,its getting pretty cool around here.
Good morning Jaime, I didn't know where to find you other then in here. Please take my email address, cpeterson72@q.com. I had no idea that there was a luncheon for the AZ bloggers. Please send me the information, I would love to go and yes, we should ride together. We are going to Disney world in Dec for a week and so excited. Disneyland was so much fun, I do prefer World. Looking forward to hearing from you, Char
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