Starting out Coloring those Easter eggs!!!!Miss C loved this!!!!

Getting the backyard set up for the 35+ people coming over for lunch!!!

That is a big stack of plates!!! I may have to buy more pastel plates for next year!!!!!

Yummy desserts, I made the little chick cupcakes and my daughter bought this yummy cookie cake!!!!

The family at church, Jesse had to use the restroom and Will HAD to leave to get to work on time!!!!SO glad you got to come to church WILL!!!! And it was great having C.J. and Jesse at church with us today!!!! It has been along time since I sat next to my son at church!!!!!I want to share a bit of the sermon with everyone soon, the parallel the Pastor gave today will just amaze you!!!!!

C.J. and his beautiful girlfriend!!!!

Our good Friend Judy made these adorable rabbits for each of the kids, are they just the cutest Easter craft ever?????

When you have an Easter potluck the food is so Awesome!!!!!Thanks everyone for all the Great food!!!!

Eating and enjoying each other's company!!!

Making great new relationships!!!

ALL the kids getting ready to hunt for eggs!!!!!There was 14 that hunted eggs, 2 got here a bit late to hunt eggs!!!!

Get ready, get set, RUN!!!!! and boy did they!!!!!!SO CUTE!!!!!!

I found one!!!!!

This is so fun!!!!!

Having fun looking!!!

Kids were everywhere, I didn't know where to snap pics from!!!!!!

My cousin Jon's little boy!!!!

And daughter

Look at all my pretty eggs!!!!

Our good friend's little boy, so Eggcited!!!!!Love that face!!

Time for egg relay!!!!!

Don't drop it!!!!

Water balloon toss!!!!We had almost everyone participating!!!!

Even the little ones got into it!!!!

Good job, I think I spot 3 balloons in the air here!!!!

Miss C wanted to catch this one sooo bad!!!!!

Please look at my Aunt Jan --way over to the left, I LOVEEEEE this pic, no matter if you are over 70, you can still get excited over a CAUGHT EGG!!!!!!!!

But then next time, it soaked her!!!!!!

My family!!!!!!My Aunt Jan and some of her kids and grandkids and great grandkids and my cousins!!!!!

Our good friend Krystal with her family, her Mom and some of her siblings visiting here from Utah!!!So glad you were here to Celebrate the day with us!!!!

I love so many of these pics, I wanted to post them all, the kids had so much fun with my baby chicks!!!! The chicks went home with my cousin Jon and his family!!! They will keep me updated with pics and egg laying reports!!!!

SO cute!!!!!

Isn't she adorable!!!

One last playing session with the babies!!!!

Us girls!!!!!
Jesse named these little guys--oops I mean girls!!!!next year they will be G-H-I and girl names!!!!
I am sorry for the picture overload, but with over 300 pics to choose from, I just couldn't leave any out!!!!!
Hope your day was EGG-Stra Special!!!!!!
God Bless you!!!!
Oh, man...that was a fun day and you did an amazing job once again! Thanks for all the hard work that went into this!xo
Hi Jamie! your posts are so much fun....ok, where to begin...miss C was dressed so cute she was adorable collecting eggs. All the kids and adults had such a great time...your pictures speak a thousand words. The cupcakes and the cookie cake looked yummy, so I would have to think they tasted that way too!.....Thank you for sharing your Easterific day with us, I so enjoyed it! Have a nice week! hugs, Jennifer
Happy Easter...Looks like a great time was had by ALL!! Love the cupcakes, very cute!!
You know when you post a lot then there is a lot to comment on! First I thought I'd go with the "love the plates" kind of comment. And then I saw the lovely yard and then the children--oh, the children--looked like a zillion. And then the games and fun and pretty faces. You sure know how to throw a party. When's the next one? I'm going to rsvp right now! :)
Love all the picture's, everyone looked like they had so much fun.
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! GORGEOUS photos....your day looks soooooooooooo wonderful! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Isn't it nice to live where you can have dinner outside on Easter. They had snow the Saturday before Easter in Idaho. Your Easter looked lovely and how lucky you are to have all those friends and family together.
Everyone & every thing looks fabulous Jamie. The children pics are so cute ... love the egg hunt. Looks like you all had a fantastic time.
I know you had a wonderful & joyful Easter.
Have a beautiful week.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
That looked like a truly fabulous, fun filled day!! Such lovely photographs!! You have a beautiful garden too!!
Hi Jaime,
Looks like you had an awesome Easter, and my goodness so many photos!!! It's all good.
Hey I've been saving some of the pictures of your grandbaby, she's so adorable, and wanting to do a scrapbook layout of her. Do I have your permission? I'd photograph it and then you could have it, but some of your pictures are just perfect images and I'm feeling drawn to create something with her in it. I don't know when I'll get to it with everything going on right now, but I want to at least get your permission.
Thanks you, thank you, thank you! You did such a good job with everything. What a fun party! I knew you would have it over the top, full of fun, and of course way cute! You are just good like that. It really was such a fun day. My family had such a good time and we appreciate all your love, hard work,and invite. YOu are so sweet and we are so blessed to have your friendship. I loved all the decor, food, and games. I must say those cupcakes were so adorable and yummy too!Nice job. It was a Happy Happy Easter for all of us. Thanks again!
Dear Jamie, What a great get together. Your chickie treats look delicious.
I felt like I was right there hunting the Easter eggs! The kids are darling. I'm sure they had a fun time and made memories that they will cherish.
You do have some really cute pics with the real chicks!!!
God bless,
Hi Jaime,
I only want to do one layout page, not a whole book or anything, so let me know what your daughter says. I just love the images from about one or two posts back of her, for some reason they are speaking to me.
Jamie, What a great day and a beautiful family. The little ones make so many of our holidays special and yours sure did. The desserts look delicious and the rabbits the lady made are darling. I can't believe you had such good weather, it was cloudy and misting more of the morning.
Have a great Wednesday.
Hi and thank you for your comment!
Wow what a post, looks like everybody had a fantastic Easter, and the children were just adorable with their pretty dresses.
How did you make the chicks in your cupcakes look fluffy?? They looked so cute!
You had such a fun day...I want to live there...someday soon! We had beautiful weather here...first time in such a long time! Jesse is beautiful, she reminds me of Tiger's wife Elin...everytime I see a pic of her I think that...lucky she is with CJ!
Love you
Boy you had a full day and a full house! We hid eggs too...but only for my two grands.
I am feeling a little better thank you....it has been a rough month!
Talk to you soon my friend.
Mimi, What a great bunch of Easter photos. My fave is the second to last one in the group. That precious little Yellow cupcake OMG!!!!
Please drop back by my blog and read all the wonderful posts on how to display your gift tags.
xo Cathy
Jamie darling glad to see the entire family gathered and had a lovely time. The photos tell the whole story of family, love, delicious food, beautiful home and kind and caring people. Kiss Princess Camdyn for me and may God bless you all and keep you safe.
Love & Hugs
What a wonderful Easter you had!!!!! Are you going to raise chickens??? Can I buy eggs??? :) Jamie, I would be happy to make some decals for your Mom, I didn't really plan on having a lot at the show, but if you let me know what ones you want, I will have them there for you! There are two different images in three different colors and you know about the sizes! I am excited that you want to come to the show on the 17th!
What a great day! .... Greater yet is still to come. So happy that you will be there!
Good Morning Sweet Girl...
I am so tickled that you had such a wonderful time with the family for Easter and that you were all able to be together. I thank you for sharing.
I just adore the family pics and the balloon toss pics. Miss C so badly wanted to catch one. She had both hands up and waiting.
Loved the chicks and I wondered what you were going to do with them. They went home to a farm how fun is that?
I loved the chickie cupcakes. They were so cute. Everything looked beautiful Jamie, just beautiful. I am clapping away over here for ya.
Have a beautiful day sweetie. Country hugs and much love, Sherry
Oh that yellow tutu is a killer! :)
What a great day. Don't you LOVE having your family at church?!!!
Wow you must be really good at tennis then! We just bought a set and took our daughter to the tennis courts so she can learn the game, she thought it was great fun!
-That’s so funny! The Nando’s over here mainly serve chicken dishes and they have incredibly yummy hot sauces! And I believe that it’s Portuguese food. www.nandos.co.uk
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
What a truly perfect day!
I am peeking out of my turtle shell to say thank you for your kindness and support. I just had the strength to open your lovely card.
Make sure you read the ole blog today. There is an invitation for you. There will be karoke and I think I will sing "Stayin' Alive". Duet?
Oh, what a delightful post, Jamie!!! So much fun at your place, always.
The pic of the family at Church turned out SO beautiful!
Thank you for your prayers regarding my mom. She had the "cement" procedure done today. It looks good so far. Time will tell and so will God. He knows best. : )
Mary Lou
This looked like the most fun I've ever seen in a family gathering. You are so lucky to have such a large family. Mine is so small. So wonderful - loved all the pictures.
You always have the best parties! Those cupcakes are just too cute and the cookie went perfectly with them.
You are so lucky with the beautiful weather you have. It was pouring rain for us on Easter Sunday. Not raining... POURING!
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