Thursday, April 7, 2011
IF you can't say something NICE, SAY NOTHING!!AND STAY AWAY from my blog!!!People like you, are so mean spirited and Jealous of others happiness!!!You are one very sad individual that you BLOG HOP looking like an idiot. You are NOT a BLOG critic but a very sad sick person. GET A LIFE and leave us HAPPY PEOPLE alone!!!And if you really are a blog Critic ---Leave your NAME!!!!!!Don't be afraid to do so!!!
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I SO AGREE!!! your blog is wonderful and you have such a heart of gold, I know that for a fact. Some people are just ugly by nature, don't let them get to you. Big hugs sweet friend! :o)
I disabled anonymous commenting on my blog for this very reason. It makes it a tad harder on nonbloggers who might like to comment, but they can sign up for a google account to be able to comment if they want to. This way, if someone says something mean - - - which they aren't likely to do if they have an identity, I at least know who they are. You go into your dashboard and then click on comments and then settings. You'll find to place to not allow anonymous.
Good for you Jamie. I so agree. Why do people have to be mean. They must be really miserable people and need to get a life or else just go crawl in a corner. I'm sorry, but this really irritates me. Love you, and just ignore them. Hugs, Marty
Hi Jamie! I love your header! I feel like a really know you since I photo shopped your tiny head for the Bathroom Diva snap! :)
Oh, I'm sorry to hear someone has been cruel. I do believe the Anonymous ones are just jealous of other people's lives. Don't pay any attention to them.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Sorry you've had this problem Jamie. You have a lovely blog and a very lovely family. Boo's to the nameless person leaving you negative comments.
Blessings my friend,
Love you!
Don't let the hater s get you down. You are an aamzing Mimi, an awesome mom, and every girls best your photos rock!!!
BTW - that lasst comment was from Liz. I don't know why, but blogger is not letting me log in to yours or Corie's blogs???
Jamie, you don't have to post this comment because it mentions facebook and maybe you don't want everyone to know you facebook...after seeing your facebook comment about anonymous commenters and then coming to your blog, I was going to ask you if you'd consider fixing your account where you have to approve posting comments before they would show up on blog.
Think you're doing this now. It's a nice feature to have.
God bless ya,
Oh no...I'm so sad to read this Post, Jamie. Your blog always brings a smile to SO MANY. So full of family love and a joy for life. Don't ever change a thing. I looooove coming over here. : )
BTW, your new Header is beyond adorable.
Love ya,
Mary Lou
People are just really sad...they don't like to see others happy. Don't let them get you down!
Love ya!
Someone needs his/her blog-critiquing butt kicked. I'll volunteer if we can find the faceless foe. Really, someone so idiotic doesn't deserve our concern and energy. What sad, pathetic individual would want to be mean to you? We don't need no stickin' stalker with a nasty streak.
Hi Jamie,
I am so sorry that happened to you.
Why do others feel the need to leave mean comments anonymously.
Or rather why do they feel the need to leave mean comments at all.
You are one of the nicest gals I have ever met! And your right, it's probably jealousy.
Hugs girlfriend,
Don't let them take you down.
Yes, it is really sad how many haters are out in the world. They really feed off of everyone else's good fortune and happiness and look for the negative in every situation. Never let someone elses low self esteem bother you. LOVE ya! And yes, I am a firm believer in owning your statement and not cowardly hiding behind your computer and an anonymous comment. GROW up people.
I disabled my anonymous commenting long ago. Who needs them?!
I LOVE your sweet, uplifting blog posts and pictures. Keep them coming...
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