Dying eggs the day before!!
good job!!
They both loved this, such fun family traditions!!!
Because of the Busy week before Easter....we did Easter Dinner out....I know my Son In Law hates doing this....
Mimi hid 50 eggs outside....time to find them all!!
a cute bunny for Miss C...she loves ALL her pets!!!and she owns about 50 of them!!!!My kids were NOT stuffed animal kind of kids, so it's kind of fun!!
That's one big ball!!
Uncle Cj and Aunt Jesse just got back from their Jamaicaan Honeymoon, so they came over with gifts for the kids!! They also opened all their wedding gifts.
He loved his new toy!!!
Am I the only one with post trouble??
They found nealy all 50 eggs......we had to go help some!!!
What a fun Easter!!!!And this year, Miss C could tell us the real meaning of Easter...that Jesus died on the cross for our sins....Miss C said her sin is that she bites her brother sometimes.....Good to know she knows that is bad.....
Jamie, Easter is such a blessed time to celebrate Jesus. The older I get, the more meaning this time has for me. Christ is risen in deed.
You truly are blessed to be raised in a Christian home that went to Church. This is a huge, huge blessing to be raised where Jesus is Lord and to get to know our God in a loving and personal way.
You did great with decorating and hiding eggs! Such a pretty day you had! Your Grands are precious!!!
So are you!!!
I to am glad our parents raised us to go to Church also. It was great seeing you! Wish we had more time together.
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