If it were my Birthday waking UP to Rain would be the best gift ever!! I loved that it rained most of the day and the temps never got higher then in the 80's!!
We showed up with Balloons for the birthday boy and Cupcakes for everyone!!
Miss C was trying to get her little brother to walk up and give the balloons to grand-dude.
He gave them to this Man.....from the back I guess Liam thought that this was grand-dude.....the guy took them and all of the people sitting around broke out in laughter!!
Aw....this is who they belong too!!!
Time for some Mexican food for lunch!!

What an amazing gift, Jamie!!!
I hope your generous spirit has given ideas to others who see this, and pay it forward, as well.
Happy birthday - looks like a great time!
Congratualations with your husbunny !!!...love from me.....xxx..
What a great Birthday gift for your main man! Happy Birthday Chuck!
Jamie I can see you all had so much fun and what generosity. That gift probably meant SO much to you hubby's employees!
Bravo for paying it forward! Thank you for your kind wishes!
Art by Karena
Jamie that is so wonderful!
What a great and sharing guy your hubby is!
Love little Liam taking the balloons to the wrong guy...he is really growing, and so cute!
Hopefully I will be seeing you the end of October.
I am coming out and I hope we can all get together...can't wait!
Hugs friend,
What a wonderful gift you gave your husband! I can just imagine HOW HAPPY he was to give happiness to others. Perfection Mimi! :)
You always seem to make an event extra special. :)
Jamie, Hope your honey had a super birthday!
Happy belated B day and many more happy ones,
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