Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bloggerette Sorority!!!!

HI, my name is Jamie and I have joined the Sisters in the Bloggerettes Sorority hosted by Karen over at Some days are diamonds!!!I live in Gilbert, Arizona. I never went to college, as I got married 9 days after I graduated from High School. Married my best friend and we just celebrated our 34th wedding Anniversary!!!My daughter was in a Sorority and I always thought she had so much fun in it and she is still very close to all her "sisters"!!!!Here I am holding my RUSH PROJECT, I made it very quickly as I completely forgot about RUSH Day, and this past week I had my sister and BIL at my house, and I also had to babysit my Grand daughter 3 full days!!!!Rarely do I get that honor!!!!haha I also was sick with a sore throat and headache, I will not complain after talking with one of my neighbors, they have been sick with a stomach bug all week, so NO complaints or excuses from me!!!!SO here it is!!!
I took a plain unfinished wood plaque and painted it my favorite color Red, took some stencils I had and stenciled a little curve design on it and then took the photo and decoupaged it on to the wood. Then I added a few stickers and ivory colored fabric flowers!!!
It now sits on my antique sewing machine in our bedroom where alot of my treasures from other blogger sisters gifts are!!!
I'm so excited to get to know all of you my NEW SORORITY SISTERS!!!!
Let the fun begin!!!


M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

ADORABLE creation here, Jamie!!! Way to go. I love it.
Hey, great news...the colander came from TJ Maxx just a couple of weeks ago for only $7.99. I got it for Sara's future kitchen. Guess what her wedding colors are.....aqua and cream! Oh the fun.....
So glad you had a wonderful visit with your sister and BIL. : )
Mary Lou

Debra said...

Congratulations Jamie on your new Sorority status! I too never belonged to one, never really understood what they were all about. Sounds like you may be in for some fun though! Love your little creation, very pretty!


Rettabug said...

Way to go, Sister Jamie!! This was an awesome project for rush!

I wish I had my grandmother's tredle sewing machine. Boy, do I have fond memories of that! Nobody thought to keep it when she died. So sad. everybody throws it all out these days. Not me...I don't throw away anything. LOL

Hope your throat is feeling better. Could have been allergies...are the olive trees blooming??

Anonymous said...

Get project sista Jamie. I hope you are feeling better. I had the summer stomach virus and no fun. Saw the visitors on your previous post. blessed Sunday, dear friend.

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Loving that project Jamie!! CUTE CUTE CUTE! :):):):):):):):):):)

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Jamie, this look fabulous. Love the detail you put on your placque. You are such a doll, love it all. Now we really are sisters. Hugs, Marty

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Jamie,
That turned out just wonderfully! I love the color and the stenciling, great job girlfriend!
And you look just adorable~
I hope your feeling better now.
I have to get ready now, my in-laws are having their 60th wedding anniversary celebration today.
Big Hugs,

Karen said...

Hey Girl! YOU DID IT!!! YAY!
I'm so sorry you were sick and all . . . but you're right, I'd take a soar throat over a stomach bug any day!
Love your project. It fun and cheerful and just sweet as can be - just like you!
I think we are going to have fun with all our new sisters! I can't wait for all of you to get here in Aug!
Hugs! Karen

Keetha Broyles said...

Better late than never, and so cute!

Keetha from The Eclectic Company

Amore Artisan Boutique said...

Love your project this has been so much fun and so many new people to meet, blogs to see and sign up to follow. I am having a blast!
hugs sassy gail

Corie said...

What a fun thing to start! I LOVED every minute of college and my sorority! Hope you have as much fun with this! What wonderful ladies they all are!

Decor To Adore said...

You are entirely too cute, crafty and creative!

I on the other hand am a big dork as I accidently deleted the your email with address. Pretty please may I have it~again? :)

Rebecca Nelson said...

Just the sweetest thing my friend! Thanks for sharing! Glad to have you as a new seezsta!


Wendy Aspinall said...

Beautiful rush , I am still trying to get to everyone, hope you will come over to see me Hugs sister ~Wendy

Mosaic Magpie said...

Great Job Sister!
Very cute and glad you could join us. Looking forward to getting to know you.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Hi Jamie...glad you got your rush in even tho you haven't felt well. I am crosseyed....went to every one!! It has been fun though!

Buttercup said...

Happy Sorority Days! I was never in a sorority. I went to a woman's college and we didn't have them. Sounds like a lot of fun.

Lynn Stevens said...

How sweet and your the one first on the list, so glad you meet you and see your Red creations!

Anonymous said...
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Anitra Cameron said...

It's darling! I love that it says "Sisters" right on it.

So happy to meet a new Sistah!

Hearts Turned said...

So nice to meet you, Mimi! Love what you did with the rush picture--it's just beautiful! Looking forward to getting to know you and our other new sisters better...isn't this fun?!

Julie from California

Hearts Turned said...

So nice to meet you, Mimi! Love what you did with the rush picture--it's just beautiful! Looking forward to getting to know you and our other new sisters better...isn't this fun?!

Julie from California

Andi's English Attic said...

So sweet.
Nice to meet you. xx

Cathy said...

Hi Mimi,

Adorable creation for your Sorority. And the face of your lovely grand-daughter is precious.

Just got over the stomach virus myself. Wow, that was horrible.

Have a wonderful week and thank you for your sweet comments on my blog.

xo Cathy

Lululiz said...

The plaque is just lovely, and it is so sweet that it has found a home amongst precious gifts from other bloggers.

Charlene said...

I'm still working my way slowly down the "sisterhood" list, what a cute project you made--I need to learn to do decoupage!

Charlene @ A Virtuous Woman

Stella said...

That's a great creation Jamie. Sounds like your sorority will bring you many fun times. Hope you are feeling better by now. Hope you had a good visit with your family. Stella

Wendy Aspinall said...

Ok Jamie, you had my laughing and somewhat worried. Stalking! so I'm stalking you back sister. you are welcome to come to my blog any time. Cute rush project and even cute photo. I too get sad about Diana I remember everything about the day we heard the news. We were on hoilday in Devon and we came home a day before the funeral. The of the whole village was quite, not a sound. I cryed like a baby when I watched those two boys walk behind the coffin. Althought my husband and the two boys have become citizens I don't want to give up being English I am very proud of the fact.... must of the time except for now with the oil spill...anyway lovely to meet you~Wendy

Jenny said...

This sounds like a lot of fun!

I love your creation - it is really cute!

Unknown said...

G'morn, Jamie ~ That was a clever idea for your 'sorority'. Those kinds of titles never appealed to me, but it is cute being a bloggy sister ... you'll have fun.

TY for your sweet note on our 4th porch, it was great fun to put together with our new finds 'Love Is ...' glasses.

Happy & lovely 4th.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Krystal said...

So cute! Sorry to hear you've been sick. I'm glad you are feeling better. Looks like you've been up to a lot of fun the last few weeks. You are such a busy girl! I love it. It is always a party and life is so busy and fun all the time. Have a good 4th of July! I haven't seen you in forever. I'm thinking we need to do a play day when I get back. Take care and try to stay cool in this heat. Looks like you will have a good time with your new sorority sisters!

porter place cottage said...

Hi from Colorado! Glad you have joined the sorority and great RUSH project! looking forward to more!

Anonymous said...

Hey there sister Jamie! Thanks for coming by! ♥