Sunday, June 20, 2010

He's got great DATTITUDE!!!!

Happy Father's Day to my hubby, a Great DAD to our 3 kids. Stacie, Dad missed you not being here!!And for being a Great DUDE-DUDE to Miss C!!!
My sister Reda and I with Miss C!!!!
Happy Father's Day to my wonderful Son-in-love!!!!
Grand-dude and his little Princess!!!
"What would Dad really want on Father's Day??" Nothing really, just love and knowing his kids are happy and healthy!!!


Corie said...

Happy fathers day to the best Dad's (in my opinion)!:) We had a great time celebrating how great they are indeed!

Jackie said...

I cannot believe how big Camdyn has gotten! She looks like she's grown 6 inches since Easter when we last saw her! No more baby look, now she's a toddler! AWW!!!

Leslie said...

Happy belated Father's Day to your wonderful husband. You certainly seem to be blessed with him in your life!

Deanna said...

Jamie, You have a lovely family and am glad that these dads are for real and a part of their children's lives!

God bless you all,

Chatty Crone said...

I'm back from vacation. Happy belated Father's day - everyone looked great! sandie