Friday, September 17, 2010

Another year of collecting Memories!!Happy Birthday to my Beautiful daughter!!!

My daughter and Grand daughter, they make me smile from ear to ear!!!
Wishing you a day of SMILES and Laughter!!!
The cute family and a baby coming soon!!!
So happy!!
And daddy is Over the Moon!!!
high 5 to a new baby brother!!

Love and kisses!!
And a KISS for MOMMY for her Birthday!!
Wishing you another year of Love and Happiness with you and your precious family!!
Your family loves you so much and we are so excited for this next year in your life as you bring another Blessing to your happy home!!!


Rettabug said...

Happy Birthday, Corie!! You are positively glowing these days.

Sending blessings & prayers for you, Jamie & your whole family that you get to celebrate many, many more happy occasions such as this together.


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Happy Birthday to your BEAUTIFUL Daughter...and CONGRATS on the boy! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

ImagiMeri said...

Dear Jamie,

Happy Birthday to your daughter, and congratulations to all of you on the upcoming event of a son. Since she was so fortunate to get her daughter to wear bows in her hair (my daughters wouldn't) maybe her son can become a "hat" wearer and sport all kinds of cool styles.


just call me jo said...

Happy Birthday and happy boy, Corie. Mimi is so positive and happy. Lucky women.

Krystal said...

Happy Birthday to Corie! We just love that girl. She is a very sweet person just like you. Have so much fun today!
By the way I agree...congrats on the baby boy! We are so excited for you guys.

Deanna said...

So wonderful...a little boy!!!

Jamie, plez wish your sweet daughter a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many mooooorrrre.

THANK YOU for your prayers and believing for healing. I am soooo happy. I have carried the card you mailed me in my purse as a reminder.
God bless you!

Corie said...

Thanks Mom! You are right...we are over the moon with JOY on baby #2. Would have been thrilled either way, but I must say adding a boy will be a new kind of joy! Camdyn is very excited for her baby brother to make his appearance!:)

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter Jamie! And I am so excited they are having a little boy! Won't they be neat, now you can look for adorable little boy things too!
Big Hugs Dear,
(no baby yet, 18 days until the due date)

Debra said...

Happ birthday to your beautiful daughter and congratulations on the new grandbaby! Wonderful news!

Jule's Spot said...

I am glad you all had a fun day! Happy Birthday to Corie!
And your Sedona pics are beautiful! I want to go back when it is open!
Love ya

nancygrayce said...

OH, how exciting!! She makes pregnancy glamorous! I just remember being big as a barn and she's tine and gorgeous! I know you're excited! Now you'll have a prince to go with the princess!


Chatty Crone said...

Happy belated birthday to Corle and she is having a boy! Awesome. My son and his wife are expecting a boy in November.

They are great.
