Sunday, November 28, 2010


 This pic was taken at around 3:30 a.m., by 5 a.m. it was 32 degrees!!!I know for my Mid-West family and friends, that may have been your HIGH this day, but for us, that is FREEZING for November!!I have a few Hibiscus that already have Frost damage on them!!!That normally does NOT occur til January or February!!!
 First stop, Target, and this is the BACK of the store!!The line wrapped all the way around!!!But we GOT everything we went for!!
 Looking over the MAP!!!
 From Target we made it to HOME DEPT by 5 a.m.   I got JUST what I wanted there too!!Then it was off to BEST BUY, got there at 6:10 and I got everything I went for, and I did not camp out there all day!!
Since it was SO COLD, I pulled out my Lucky Red Olympic Mittens!! I made it to bed at midnight and got up at 3 a.m. I made it home at 7:30, got another 2 hours of sleep and was off to meet a friend of Corie's visiting from Philadelphia for breakfast. Then we headed to the Mall for a few hours!!I got home at around 3p.m., needless to say, I took another 2 hour nap. As you can tell, the pics stopped, that is because my Brain was asleep and I completely forgot to take anymore!!!
My shopping is NOT done, but very very close!!!
Happy Holiday Shopping to all of you!!


Corie said...

SO fun! LOVE Black Friday shopping....and all the goodies that came along with it! Eventhough I am all done shopping, it was still fun going out for a few things that were not on the Christmas "list".:)

ps.I should have snapped a pic of you standing in line too, I was so cold I didn't even know you snapped one of me! Ha!:)

Julie said...

The map? What's that for? Looks like you guys had a great morning as usual! One year I'll be brave enough to out on Black Friday. Never done it, but I know it's only a matter of time before there's some IT item Ryleigh HAS to have and I'll be forced to do it. Contemplated it this year, but figured that since Walmart is THE biggest store in town, it wouldn't be too smart to stand in line with everyone from a million other neighboring towns without a walmart :)

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hey Jamie, that is cold for you guys!
I went out too and I have to tell you I was fried!
I made a dent but it was so bitter cold that morning that I could hardly stand getting in the car.
I love your new header too, such cute pics!!

Krystal said...

Yes it was cold! It was fun to see you guys at Target. Thanks for getting us our DVD players. I love that you always have your camera. You're so good at that. So glad you got all that you wanted. I tell you I love Black Friday too, just not when I'm prego.

Deanna said...

Looks like a lot of fun! I think Black Fridays are exciting. All the people out so early makes a fun time.

Perhaps next year I will make it out and about. I remember last year how determined my daughter and daughter-in-law were. They were on a mission!

Your blog looks darling.
God bless and have a sweet week.

just call me jo said...

You are so "with it." I went out later on Friday, but it wasn't as productive and fun as your excursion. Yes, it's COLD here in the Valley of the Sun. B-r-r! But they had snow and -1 degrees in Idaho. So I'll take it here. You are my role model. I'll never make it, however. You're a hard act to follow.

ImagiMeri said...

Hi Jamie,

Wow, miss princess is definitely growing up. She looks totally different from week to week now instead of months. I love the picture of her and her's like "why isn't there any food on this thing?"

Glad you had a great Thanksgiving. I cooked for 22 this year, down from 30 last year. It totally forgot to get pictures though......too tired.


Corie said...

Julie, you asked what the "map" was for. The map shows you where they put all the "really wanted items" in the store. They do not keep the tvs, camera's, etc in the places they would normally be. They try and space everything out so the crowds are dispersed. One item I purchased was in the frozen food section. LOL!!:)

Chatty Crone said...

So you stayed up all night to shop - impressive - I don't think I could if I had too - looks like you had fun. Happy turkey day and Merry Christmas. sandie

Unknown said...

YAY!! for you! You had a plan and made it work! :) It is always good to have a daughter to work with though. :)
