Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Glows with LOVE!!!

 After our fun trip, the fun  lasted one more night!!!Since Daddy and uncle Cj were at the Dunes having a fun time, Mommy and Miss C stayed over at Grand-dude and Mimi's house!!This is the first year since Camdyn was born I have put my village out, I figured it was to tempting for those little fingers!!
So she is LOVING it so much and thinks it is her little doll house!!
 And of course she LOVES the Christmas train!!She now knows how to turn it on and make the sound and everything!!That is what woke me up Sunday morning!!!I love her cute new PJ's and matching slippers!!
 OUR only purchase at Disneyland!!!At $10.00 each, well worth every bite!!
 So yummy!

 She is waiting on her grand-dude!!!
And then what a Surprise, Santa called her on Skype!!!!!!
So much fun!!!!and so many great memories!!


Corie said...

So fun! It was so funny when Santa called her and when he said he name and showed her picture she looked at me and said, "thats me" with such excitement! LOVE her!

Rettabug said...

How precious Camdyn looks in her jammies! She is so stinkin' cute, I could just eat her up!
I'm really glad Corie is feeling okay.

Looks like you had a grand time at Disney & in BHills. Wish I was there...come see the awful snow we're dealing with this week. Ugh!