Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

 We were so excited to get another chance to visit this Great Library. I have been to several Presendential Libraries and this is MY FAVORITE!!!
Camdyn by the Elephant topiary

 what a Magnificent Bronze Statue of our 40th President
I loved all of the Quotes on the walls and this one is ONE of my favorites. It is Probably MORE true today then back in 1981. I truly believe that the BEST days for America are AHEAD of us.
 I loved that Miss C was so excited to be visiting the "Library", she may have thought it was our  library, but she still had fun and really got into the exhibits. I think the greatest gift you can Give a Child is the LOVE of reading and Learning.
 I think we are far worse off then we were 4 years ago. So in 2012, this should be our Campaign Slogan!!
 The Inaugural Scene from 1981.I loved the Red hat and Coat that Nancy wore.
 That sad day in March of 1981 when John Hinckley shot President Reagan.
 The suit he had on that day.
 THIS is a replica of his OVAL OFFICE, everything in here was in his office, except for the Resolute Desk, that is still in the Oval Office.
 This room is the exact size of the real Oval Office and I love that everything is as it was when he left office.
His Famous JellyBeans, they were in a couple of spots in his office.
 Remember when Prince Charles and Princess Diana came for a State Dinner????I loved this picture. I have seen this dress at the Exhibit in Orlando of some of Diana's dresses.
 Some of Nancy's famous dresses and gowns. She was a very classy lady and took alot of heat for her dresses, which NONE of them were paid for with Tax Payer money.
 The Library is fortunate to have the AIR FORCE one that President Reagan used during his term, We actually got to walk through it and that was a Great honor.
 Corie and the kiddos getting ready to go onboard. No Pics were allowed beyond this point.
 The library has quite a large section of the Berlin Wall here.
 Miss Camdyn told us, it is indeed real concrete!!!We asked her!!!
 This is a picture of the Reagans beloved Ranch near here in Santa Barbara, Pres. Reagan loved riding his horses around the hills there. Here is Miss C on a statue of  one of his horses.
 Miss C loved that she could get on and off all by herself.
And she cried when we told her to had to move on....
 One of the highlights of the tour is the Miniature White house, down to Every single detail.
 All of the paintings are real paintings only miniature, the books can actually be read with a magnifying glass. I have toured the White House and it looked exactly as I remember it.
 My favorite room, the Red Room.
 SIMI VALLEY is absolutely the most Beautiful area. You can see the Pacific Ocean from this advantage point.
The saddest point of the tour was the reel of his funeral, I actually had tears rolling down my eyes. This is where he is layed to rest. One of the tour guides said Nancy was at the library just a few days ago, so she still visits here, I am sure she gets great pleasure visiting here and keeping his Memory alive.
If you ever get to this area, please stop in for a visit.


Corie said...

Ok. So it is breathtakingly beautiful up here! I am so glad we are visiting Will while he is working up here! I LOVED visiting the Reagan presidential library. It was so interesting to learn about how wonderful he really was. I SO wish he were around to get this country turned in the right direction.....sheesh! Oh and my FAVES were Air Force one and the mini version of the White House. LVOE dollhouses and this one was awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Such a nice place to visit! So great that Camdyn can experience all of these wonderful places and history!!! Great pics...thanks for sharing!!!
Darcie :)

~Kristen~ said...

How awesome! That's supposed to be quite a museum of memories. It's on my "must see" list if I ever make it to the west coast.

Short and Sweet said...

I'm now inspired to visit the Reagan Library...what glorious photos! I had no idea that the library housed so many things.

Rettabug said...

What a wonderful experience, Jamie...even the tears at the end! You are exposing Ms. C. to so many new things & places.

LOVE the new header with your grands!!!
It is just that...GRAND!


Deanna said...

Jamie, I hope that I get to see the Presidential Library someday. I was on the Washington DC Airport Runway in a plane coming back to the states from Germany when I heard that President Reagan had died.

Really like the miniature of the White House. Neat-o.
Enjoy your post!

Have a sweet Spring.