Here is a photo of My Mom, 1st little girl on front row from the left side. My Mom was born in 1937, Franklin D. Roosevelt was the President,Stalin ruled over the Soviet Union, Mussolini over Italy, King George is sworn in after his brother King Edward gives up the throne to marry an American woman and Adolf Hitler ruled Germany. Amelia Earhart disappears over the Atlantic Ocean, the Hindenburg explodes, the Golden Gate Bridge was completed and a popular movie that year was Snow White and the seven dwarfs. The average cost of a home was $4100.00 and the average wage earner earned about $1700.00 per year. Gasoline was .10 cents a gallon and a new car cost you about $750.00!!!! Times were so much simpler back then, life was busy with family and homes to run, most women stayed home and took care of the household. My Mom had 2 sisters and 1 brother, she is turn also had 3 girls first then a son!!!My Mom grew up in a small town on a farm in Indiana, her Dad ran the farm and worked for GM!!!!My Grandparents sold their farm and moved to Glendale, Az in 1957. My Grandpa purchased a small gas station in down town Glendale, but due to some business partner issue sold it for much less then what it was probably worth, my Grandpa then went to work for Don Sanderson Ford and worked there for 25 years!!!!My Parents soon moved to Phoenix, Az, I was 4 months old. My Dad got a job for John F. Long and he built homes for several years before getting a job at a food warehouse. My Mom was a stay at home Mom. We always had dinner around the family table. My parents became Christians when I was young and we always went to church as a family.

Easter Sunday 1964, the year my new baby Brother Jim came to live with us!!!!Isn't the hat my Mom is wearing just divine????I wish times were like that still, even her corsage seems special.
She always dressed us girls alike for special occasions!!!

This family photo was taken in 1968,I remember the photographer came to our house to do this picture, I'm so glad that location photography is so popular again!!!!Although I think he brought a screen with him!!!!I like candid outside photography!!!!My Mom always made sure us girls hair was curled and combed jsut right!!!!My sister Reda the oldest one got the nice long blonde locks!!!!

For my Mom's 70th Birthday(sorryMom) we took her to Florida for her 1st trip to Walt Disney World, she has gone to Disneyland many times but never to Walt Disney world. She loves Disney parks as much as I do, I must have gotten it from her and passed it down to my kids!!!!It was so much fun for my Sister and her two daughters to come along too!!! It was the first time all of us had done a girl's trip together like this. My younger sister Carolyn lives in Seattle, WA and just couldn't get away at this time. Stacie had just moved to Florida to go to work for Walt Disney.I want to thank my Mom for always putting us kids first and doing so much to make our home a fun and Happy place to call Home!!!
We have a family picture where the photographer came to our too! Oh, those were the days! I love the old family pictures....I'm scanning some into my computer, although it is a slow process for me!
Your mom and I are the same age. I was born in Nov. of 37. Looks like she is right with you girls. That what I love to do go out with my girls, and sons, but they are not quite as available as the girls.
Hi Jamie! What a sweet post, I wish we lived in a more simpler time too... I had so many great times as a child, learning how to bake with my grandmother going to the beach with my mom and brother(I hate the water though). There were no video games, we would go outside all day until dusk and play ball and run around....play barbies and tea parties.... I enjoyed your post and it was so neat to hear all the things that were going on in the world when your mom was born. The Disney picture is beautiful! what a lovely time you must have all had, I really like the way you are all wearing matching shirts!!..Very Sweet, have a nice evening! hugs, Jennifer
Jamie, I absolutely love this post!!!
Loved it.
You have such great memories. Truly blessed.
Alot of what you have said sure stirred emotion in me and sweet memories.
I remember visiting Disney Land when I was in the third grade about 1964. I still remember some of the rides like it was yesterday.
My folks are now 82 (Dad) and 77 (Mom). There's my brother, a sister, me and another brother.
I dearly love my family.
God bless you and I really enjoyed reading about your life,
Oh how wonderful, I love family photos. I love looking at the backgrounds, and all the different styles people wore then compaired to now. Thank you so much for sharing your memories.
Ohhh, this was SO fun to read! And you know how much I love vintage photos! Your mom is adorable in that Disney pic.
How wonderful that two of her girls (and the grand daughters) could do that for her 70th.
Hey there Miz Mimi! I'm up early as Mr. Arthritis decided I needed an early visit...darn him! I was so glad to see you in my comments. You are now ensconced in my reader so that I can keep up with your beautiful blog!!
From the few pictures I've glimpsed of you here, I do believe you favor your Mom! Moms are a special blessing for sure!!♥♥♥♥
old family photographs have such nostalgic memories.what fun it is to go into flashback and remember the old days and how we used to look in those day.
enjoyed ur write up after each photo
Thanks Jamie,
Makes me smile AND miss my mom. We're not big Disney fans (I know, I know but the crowds are just toooo much) but for her 70th we(meaning her, me & my dad) went to Universal Studios in Florida. She was already sick by then but we had a GREAT time. She died 3 months later and I'm so glad I went. Kathy
You are too cute with your comments! I just LOVE getting them from you!
I enjoyed reading about your Mom. I think our moms are truly the most treasured people in our lives. They do so much for us and their love for us is amazing. Thanks for sharing your photos and story about your Mom.
Next weeks topic sounds great! I am going to have to do some searching for that one! I am glad I got a heads up! :)
Oh Jamie, what a wonderful tribute to your precious Moma. I wish Moma would stop working and take off some time just to spend with Debbie and I. She will never slow down. She will work until she drops or until they tell her she has to go. So that is the story of how you got here in Arizona. Love the pics of you as a child. SO sweet. Counting down now, tomorrow will be 1 week away. Country Hugs my Friends, Sherry
Hi Jamie
Sorry I had not gotten back to you sooner,my daughter had her baby...a boy,come over to see his pictures,I also have an award there for you.I'm thinking you may have already got this one but I'd be honored if you would except.By the looks of this great post you(sort of) already participated.Lots was happening in 1937,wow!
My e-mail is tvgrace1@yahoo.ca
talk to ya soon.Tracy Gracie
Jamie darling this is a darling post. I read every word and looked at each photo multiple times. I love the way you mention events and important facts of the year she was born. Good job darling, you have a lovely family. Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting me.
Duchess xx
Hi Mimi, thanks for stoping by. Yeah my mom just said today she is looking foward to Sedona, she doesn't get out much here in the desert :0) I have been through Sedona myself but never stoped me and my husband were just driving through, so you both will have to take lots of pictures for the future blogs.
Now I think princess's can be fairies, but a princess is always sweet and mysterious :0) my girls will always be a princess to me. I think fairies are cute, but princess's will make beautiful queen's.
Well take care have a great night.
Dear Jamie,
What a beautiful post and so very sweet. I am like the Duchess of Tea, I read every word and so enjoyed looking at the pictures.
You and your sisters were beautiful and that baby picture of your brother....how very precious and adorable...it makes you just want to squeeze his cheeks.
You are the daughter that stands like a model...I have been meaning to tell you for a long time what beautiful posture you have....
love the post
I am so very happy you and Sherry are going to Sedona....I have wanted her to do something special like that for a very long time....I wish I was going a long........some other time.
I love the new picture you posted of you and your husband with your beautiful Princess but I really, really loved the one of her on your lap with blowing bubbles.
Angel Hugs
Hi Jamie!
Ohh I can hardly wait. I went to the Dr. and the new medicine seems to be agreeing with me. My right foot actually looks better today. It looked like a Flinstone foot (club) on Tuesday. I am drinking more water and less tea. They put me on a new diet to follow, and with all of the things together hopefully it will have my swelling down by next week. I have my camera all ready to go. I can hardly wait. I cannot begin to tell you how much it means to me, for someone so special to want to spend some of their quality time with me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love the new pic header of you, hubby, and Ms C. So absolutely precious. Thanks for stopping by. I will send you an email and give you my house phone (unlisted) and my cell phone so that we can get together for time, and meeting place. Right off of I-17 on the Thunderbird exit. You head west on Thunderbird, there is a McDonalds right there we could meet. We will talk. I'll email you my phones and maybe sometime this weekend we can get together. Take Care. Country Hugs. Love Ya, Sherry
Found your blog through Sherry's Country Wings In Phoenix (she's such a sweetie!) I see that the two of you are going to Sedona next week. You lucky ladies. I went there for the first time last year and found it breathtaking! Also see that you love Disney.
Hope you don't mind if I follow. Stop by if you get a chance...
Hi Jamie...me again.
My Billa is 21 months,I guess she takes a size 2,if you but one for me I will send you a money order,in US dollars,also include postage...Lets use each others e-mail for the address.So yes please get me one if its not too much trouble.
I had trouble getting my award too...I left clicked and saved it to a file in pictures in my PC. Then I made a new post and brought it up through pictures,Iam going to check my e-mail later...big hugs back
PS I love your new pic...your baby girl is so sweet.
Jamie, If you are up at this hour, Please come to my blog right away. It is Amy. It is very critical. We need prayers. I love you, Sherry
What wonderful pictures, and what a beautiful family. Love the Disney pic. My dream growing up in the 1950s was to get to Disneyland. Never did, but got to EuroDisney and had as good a time as I had dreamt.
Oh Jamie! Honey I thank God you are still awake. I do not know what to expect. Debbie was so hysterical when I talked to her. She wasn't even sure Amy could withstand being moved to the hospital. She has not been able to eat, I am not sure if it is because she can't or she is just tired and wants to go home. It is so sad. Debbie is the one I am worrying about. If something happens to Amy they will have to sedate her. It is going to be a horrible situation. Amy was to see the surgeon on Monday. I was afraid she wouldn't be able to make the trip, and if she did he would not do the surgery because she is so weak. They have to get her stronger. She did not even fight them this evening. She just agreed to let them take her. As soon as I hear something I will let you know. I love you, Sherry
Jamie, I don't know where that is. You can send it to my email address: stoneshy@msn.com
I love you, Sherry
No Jamie, nothing has come through. I am keeping the phone lines open, as I don't know what phone they will try to call on. But no email has came to me. I love you, and I am hanging on. Sherry
Came to you by way of Andrea's blog. Enjoyed the visit. I just love to read biographical posts. We all have more in common than we think! Love the pictures!
Jamie, I never did recieve any email from you. It must be lost somewhere. stoneshy@msn.com
Anyway honey still no word, and I continue to keep the lines open for when they call. I can't decide if no word is a good thing or a bad thing. I just keep waiting. I will blog a message when I hear anything. I love you Jamie. Thank you for being a wonderful friend. Love, Sherry
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