Camdyn's new favorite toy, her little doll from My Mom, she loves her and hugs and kisses her all the time!!!!

Taking a walk in the store!!!!With her little Baby!!!!

"But Mommy I want these shoes!!!" "Camdyn those shoes won't fit you, maybe when you are older"!!!!She finally settled on cute little support walking shoes!!!! So good for those little precious feet!!!!

Hey!!!! Where did the water go???? Please come back up!!!!

A perfect ending to a very hot day of shopping, it was 115 today!!!!So off to the splash pad!!!!!

I like you!!!!! He says, girl you are to forward!!!But your cuteness has touched my heart!!!!
Oh Camdyn little lady bug swimming suit is so adorable. She looked right at home shopping, what a fun day out.
Oh Jamie, Miss C is just beautiful with her doll baby. I hope you bought two of them, one for when this one is washing or being sewed or even gets lost. I found when the grand daughters were young, it I found one they liked that much I bought a spare. It saved me many times. She looks so sweet in her little suit with her friend. How precious is that. Looks like you had a wonderful day honey. I am saying it is a go for Friday, August 7th. I am seeing my Dr. today. I started walking on the treadmill and am having some problems with excessive swelling in my right foot. I refuse to let anything stand in my way though, if I have to keep off of my foot for several days prior I am going. We will get together for details Jamie, because Sedona here I come. It will be a day of such fun. I can hardly wait. Thank you for loving me and wanting to share a special day with me. I have so enjoyed your friendship, and look for so many years to come. Thank you Jamie. Country Hugs, Love, Sherry
Hi, Jamie,
Thanks for your comment on my blog. Your little Princess is beautiful as is the rest of your family! My husband's mom has three sons and four grandsons,so when my niece was born I started calling her Princess too. Sh eis four months
Ok...that picture of Camdyn over the drain is TOO CUTE! What a fun day out!
I love that Camdyn loves baby dolls now, I can't wait to get her her next Disney princess baby doll!!
Although my opinion may be a little biased.....I think she is the cutest and SO much fun! She already LOVES shopping so much too, may be a little dangerous for her daddy and I!:) Always a funday out with mommy and Mimi!:)
LOL, I love the commentary between her and the little boy. So funny!
Dear Queen Mimi,
Amy had a little baby doll that went everywhere with her when she was just a tad older than Princess Camdyn....her doll was called Baby Beans...she had a soft cloth body with a vinyl head.(you can still find her on e bay)
Thank you for stopping by to see me...I love it.
To snag a picture....right click on the picture....it will have that little screen that comes up.....save as....and you click that and then you put it where you want the picture to go....mine go to my pictures so when I blog and I am doing the post and you click on photo then it comes up of course my pictures and you pick the picture you want to blog about.........I hope that is still clear to you.......
I know you and Sherry will have a wonderful time in Sedona....she is so looking forward to it....someday I will get to come...your friendship has come to mean the world to her....and me too.
Barbara, the purple goat lady was in sedona not very long ago.
Have a wonderful day sweet lady.
Angel Hugs
Jamie, I saw the Dr. yesterday, my right foot has been swelling unbelievably. We were concerned as to what on earth was causing it. When I saw the Dr. 3 weeks ago he put me on a new medication for my blood pressure, and unfortunately it has caused my feet to swell, the right one just more so than the left. So I start another new one today. It is the pits having to go back and forth with meds. So hard on the system, but hopefully it will be fine by next Friday. I am keeping my fingers crossed as I am so excited about going. I will talk to you soon. Love Ya, Shery
Hi thanks for stoping by this morning.
Yes indeed my mom is the rightous woman(in my eyes) :0)
When you meet her you will see all the great and wonderful qualities she has to offer. She has experienced so much in life, and worked so hard for all the things she has receieved in life, which made me a strong woman, and gave me the abilty to appreciate what I do work for in life. I try to teach my girls the same things in life, but they are still young the molding has just begun with them
Take care you have yourself a wonderful weekend.
Hello Jamie darling, allow me to first comment on the lovely photo you have posted, everyone looks terrific especially Princess Camdyn, I also like the photo of her on the sidebar with the purple knitted hat. Adorable, simply adorable. Darling thank you for stopping by my cottage and for all your kind words.
Have a great weekend and kisses for Camdyn
Duchess xx
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