Come with us tonight to see "WICKED", it is going to be so fun!!!

Walk along as we pose for a picture by the huge truck that must carry all those wonderful stage props!!!

Stop and take a glance at Grady Gammage Auditorium, it is located on the campus of Arizona State University. It is considered the last public commission of famed Architect Frank Lloyd Wright. It is believed to be a close resemblance to an Opera House he was to build in Baghdad, Iraq. Construction began on it in 1962 and took about 2 years to build and under budget.

Corie posing by the huge poster outside!!!

Can you believe I was walking through the lobby and I hear this familiar voice "jamie, HI"!!!
It was a good friend of mine, I haven't seen in about 15 years!!! Joanne and I used to work together and I was one of her bridesmaids in her wedding, it's so good to bump into an old friend. Her daughter and my daughter were laughing at us or with us as we told a few old stories!!!

In our seats, on the edge of our seats actually waiting for it to begin!!!

We struck up a conversation with these 7 ladies and 1 gentleman behind us, they all live in an assisted living home in McCormick Ranch and the home brought them all there in the bus, I said to the gentleman he is a lucky man to get to escort all these lovely ladies to the play!!!

The play was Better then even I could imagine!!!! I have seen alot of plays but this was my Favorite!!!!! I think because I have loved the movie Wizard of Oz since I was a little girl!!! The story line will surprise you, as I mentioned in a previous post, these 2 very different girls become very good friends and a better person because of their meeting each other!!!So walk with me here"One short Day" to the Emerald City!!!!Where so many things are make believe, "to make my life and make my way, but for today, we'll wander and enjoy"!!!!
Oh how wonderful, that sounded like it was a great time. I am so found of the Wizard of Oz, ever since I was a little girl, I would find myself humming the music to the movie often. That was a extremely large truck, the witch looked great in the pictures.
Thank you for sharing, it's fun to travel in anyone eles's footsteps, when they record it, cause it doesn't cost :0) the pictures again were fun to look at.
SO glad you got to go! Sara and I saw it a few years ago. We immediately bought the soundtrack afterwards. Then Sara bought the music book and has learned many of the songs on the piano.
You're right...good message!
Sure sounds like you had a fantastic time. Love the Wizard of Oz I remember seeing it when I was about 7 and my sister was 5 she hated it and sat on the floor of the theatre for the whole movie. She still hates it. LOL. I think she was too young and it scared her.
Oh Jamie!
How fun is this? You and your precious daughter out spending some girl time together. I think I would love it, as I so love the Wizard of Oz. It looks like you met a few new friends, and saw a few old friends. That is a wonderful trip in itself. The show was the bonus on top. I will be checking my schedule at work today and letting you know about the 7th of August. I can hardly wait. I am praying for a beautiful day. Country Hugs and Love, Sherry
Jamie, I really liked your post!
I felt like I was right there.
What a blast you must have had. You two looked great! What an interesting building by Frank Lloyd Wright.
That is amazing to come across an old friend. That's neat. Love this when it happens.
A few weeks ago, I was treated to a Dinner Theatre by two of my friends. The whole evening was delightful. In High School I was involved in theatre and I forgot how much I lovd it. I wish I had had my camera. It was opening night and the cast greeted us as we departed the theatre.
I enjoyed walking in your foot steps. Thx for sharing the excitement.
Dear Friend, take care.
Hi Jamie! I'm so glad you had a nice time at the play...We were told it was neat and I guess they were right!!! I hope you had a nice weekend, I did a little gardening some crafting and not too much else, before I knew it the weekend was over!
I learned to cross stitch from a co worker I used to work with...She would stitch on the commute to work and at lunch and whenever she would get a chance! So she taught me on our lunch hour and from there I have been stitching ever since. I think I'm addicted to it because just when I finish one, another one gets pulled out and started...LOL!
ooops, I forgot to tell you, I love both you and corie's shoes, very cute!
I'm going to go shopping either Friday or saturday next weekend so I'll have to look and see what
Wal-mart has. The last time I was there they had some white ones and some clear glass but I didn't see red ones...I also have to convince hubby we "NEED" them...LOL!! I should take a picture and show you all the dish sets I have..LOL!!
You don't need to get me anything, your so thoughtful and sweet, I'm just glad to have met you!! Have a great Monday!!! Hugs, Jennifer
OH, I'd love to see that play! I haven't even heard of it over in the cultural desert we live in! :) If you go back to that post and click on Stellan's name, it will take you to his site. His family was told he would die before birth or at birth, but he lived! Now he is very sick with the condition he had in the womb. It's his heart.
Thanks for stopping by my darling, you wish is my command, I am now a follower. I am at work, so I will talk to you later.
Have a Rosie Pinkie Monday
Duchess xx
How fun for you and Corie to go see that together! I LOVE mother/daughter dates.
I'm glad you had a wonderful time. It is an amazing play. I had goosebumps throughout the whole thing. I loved it too! We saw it with a different Glinda though, but Elpheba was the same. Their voices are amazing. I'll definitely see that one again. Thanks for giving me the itch to pull out the soundtrack :)
I knew you would love it! It's just your kind of show. What a fun thing for you and Corie to do together. You both look so beautiful, and nothing but smiles! I know you've been waiting for this for awhile. My mom says it's her favorite too! It is just so funny! You and Corie got some fun pictures. As always...when you do something you just do it the best!
thanks SO MUCH for taking me.....it was an awesome night and I only hope they come back in like 5 years, so Miss Camdyn can get a chance to go! Thanks mom, you are the BESTEST...oh and tell Dad (my dearset popsicle) thanks too!
Dear Mimi, thank you for your kind words. My Rachel is full of tubes and the surgery went ok. It was complicated as heck. I have to look some of the info the MD gave us up on the computer. She will be in hospt 10 to 12 days. Thanking God
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