Monday, November 1, 2010

Magic Kingdom and Mickey's not so Scary Halloween party!!

 My other car is a MONORAIL!!!!!Off to Magic Kingdom!!!
 love the Fall decorations, Maybe as Much as the Christmas Decorations!!Miss C is still not use to East Coast time, neither is MIMI!!That 3 hour leap is a killer!!

 IS Cinderella home???
 riding Peter Pan!!
 the carousel!!

 getting to "drive" the car!!
 Magic flying carpets!!
 Time for the PARTY to begin!!

 Stacie got off work and went back and got the boys!!

 Oh I love this one too!!

 watching the first of 2 parades!!She loved it!!

Time to trick or treat!!
And sadly this is where My camera's battery died!!Luckily my daughter had hers!!To be continued!!
dancing with Woody, Jesse and Bullseye, getting lots of candy, watching another parade and seeing All the dwarfs!!what a night!!


tracy said...

Oh Jamie...What wonderful pictures of all of you!!! You all look like your having a blast!
Miss C looks adorable as Snow White.Love the pictures of her waving at the parade...soooo cute!!!

Corie said...

What a fun way to celebrate the FALL! It was a fun day and Camdyn LOVED everything about it, which is the most important detail of all! I will upload my pics on your computer soon, good thing I decided to buy the same camera and we were able to get some great shots!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Jamie,
So many cute pics! And your daughter looks so adorable with just an itty bitty baby bump!
We took Katie to Disney when she was 3 but sadly she didn't remember anything. She did go back 2 times after that so all is well!
Hugs to you and I can't wait to get back to AZ.!

Julie said...

Miss C with Minnie Mouse is SOOO precious!!! LOVE IT! Isn't that parade so fun? Ryleigh loved the Disneyland version!! Looks like you guys had an amazing vacation as always :)

Chatty Crone said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time and that your other daughter got to join the fun too. sandie

Deanna said...

Hi Jamie!
Love the mickey ears!!!
Cute pics of a great time.

We went to celebrate my grandson's first birthday and then went to Harrah Okahoma where the kids trunk or treated. I hadn't ever been to one of these and thought it was so neat for the kids.

The Magic Kingdom and Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party looks like a lot of fun. Your lil one looked darling.

November is here and I'm Christmas shopping!
Have a good week.
Love ya,

Rettabug said...

Fabulous Fun in the Sun!!! I'm so glad you captured all those cute shots before your camera died. They are just wonderful!!!!

Leslie said...

What a fun autumn celebration. I feel like I was there!