Saturday, June 5, 2010

Another busy but fun Friday!!!

Train park!!!!Yeah!!!!!We were meeting another high school friend and fellow cheerleader of my daughters here. Julie lives in Southern, California now and the girls have not seen each other since high school. They reconnected through their blogs and have enjoyed watching their two daughters grow up(well sort of) and they like the "Mommy notes", to see what the little ones are up to.
This is Julie and her husband Chris and their little Cutie Miss R
Miss C showing Miss R the way to the train, Miss R has the Choo-Choo down as well!!!!
"We can make it all by ourselves MIMI!!!!"
Enjoying the ride!
Mommy and Miss C riding the train, this may be our last trip to the train park til October, triple digits are here and the weather forecast for Sunday is 110 degrees!!!!
Having lunch at Oregano's after a fun morning at the train park!!!!
Friday night was our monthly Bunco night and it was a Sex and the City 2 theme, so wear those cute high heels!!!!
This is my neighbor Karrie, she is a sub for our Bunco group, Karrie was diagnosed with breast cancer about 3 years ago, went through chemo and had it WON, then last October she had a relapse and we NOW would sure like alot of Prayers for this Mom of two young children. The cancer is back and has spread, so she sure would appreciate Prayers. Isn't her top just wonderful for our theme bunco night!!!!SO with this cute top, we were all KARRIED AWAY!!!!!
Miss Julie strutting her stuff!!!
Some of the ladies letting the good times Roll!!!!!

Some of the fabulous appetizers Jeannine prepared, along with martinis and Cosmopolitans!!


Corie said...

Another fun and busy day! We have been having an awful lot of these days lately! Yes, now that summer is here the train park is not as appealing. Bummer! looks like bunco was so fun, sad I missed out!

Linda said...

I love Oregano's!

I love the pictures of the little girls hand in hand. Adorable!

I want to join a bunco group! Better yet, I may just have to start one!

I'll keep your sweet neighbor in my thoughts and prayers, daily!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee McCormick Ranch is the bestest!!! Adorable photos...and your friend will be in my prayers...I hope she beats the cancer again! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Julie said...

Jamie and Corie,

Thanks for a wonderful day at the train park and lunch!! It was so much fun to catch up with you guys. Ryleigh kept talking about the trains the whole way home. We'll definitely be heading back there if *when* we move back to AZ, but maybe we'll wait til it's a tad cooler :)

I can't wait to see how the photos turned out. Ryleigh definitely wasn't her usual goofy self (think it was the heat), but those photos of Ry and Miss C are adorable! It's amazing to see the difference 6 months makes. Miss C is such a little lady, and Ry is still such a toddler.

I will keep your neighbor in my prayers. Cancer is such an unpredictable disease. Hope you guys have a great weekend!


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh Jamie, Ms. C and Ms. R are just the cutest together. How fun is that. You all look like you were having a wonderful time. Your bunco group are just such fun. They really do dress for the party theme. I will definitely keep your friend in prayer. Hope you are staying inside and cool. Way too hot. This is the time of year I really miss not having a pool like our old house. I would just live in it if we had one. Hugs, Marty

Deanna said...

Hello There!

Dearest Jamie, Wonderful Family and friends!!! You're very blessed!!!

110......oh my.....lemonade time with a fan. 110! Jamie, good heavens that's HOT.

We've hit 91 in June and this is way too hot for here. Seems more like July. I think our calendar has morphed ahead.

Have just said a prayer for your sweet friend about this aweful cancer.

Enjoying visiting your blog,

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Some more wonderful pics Jamie!
The little girls together is just adorable and I love your ladies get together, so many Cute shoes!
And the heat, oh my! My step-son is out in Phoenix visiting my son and dil. He loves it! And he thinks he wants to move there!
So sorry about the young Mom with cancer, that is just so unfair. Will say a prayer.

Stella said...

How much fun for best friends to get together and introduce their children. What wonderful memories this will make.

My prayers for Karrie and her family.

One of my great loves are shoes. I especially love bright colored shoes. Love the photo. Stella